It's in the low 70s here and bright sunshine, so I've got both the bedroom window and the balcony door open for the air to blow through, which it's doing nicely.
I just got Amarna back from the vet, with both good and bad news. The bad news is that her kidney is still the same shape and (mostly) the same size it was last week. Good news is much more prevalent, though: temp has gone down five whole degrees (she was at 104.7 last Friday, now at 99.7, which is slightly below normal), the weight has come back up to where she was at her checkup last month (it was six ounces lower last week), and she doesn't have any abdominal tenderness anymore. Also, the calcification in her x-ray is not in her kidney like they thought it was last week, and in fact could just be a nipple showing up a little weird at the angle the x-ray was taken, or may be a little calcification in a fatty deposit, which is much less concerning than in an organ.
The doctor gave me two options for the kidney and calcification diagnosis. I can either take her into a specialist and have them do a test that follows dye injected into her system and follows it all the way through the urinary process (unknown cost at this point until I call them), or I can wait it out 4-6 weeks and take her back then for a second follow-up x-ray to see if it's gone back to normal size.
I'll call the specialist on Monday and see what the cost would be and then decide, I think.