I'm listening to This American Life on the recent market/money issues and it is (seriously) really interesting.
Yeah, that was great.
I cleverly got it into my head that what I needed for lunch was at the farthest place I usually go. But the burrito was delicious!
How long should I wait to call back to check the status of my lunch delivery?
At noon on a rainy Friday? I'd give them an hour.
I was thinking about getting a turkey sandwich for lunch.
Shrift, have you been to Jaffa Bagel? Best turkey sandwich in the city. They carve your meat off an acutal turkey right in front of you. And they have cranberry, too. Like day-after-Thanksgiving every day. There's a few of them downtown.
I'm going to listen to the TAL clip this afternoon--it sounds interesting.
Speaking of interesting stuff about economic issues, this is pretty informative. Well, not so much the stuff about the house for sale (although the bit about getting FHA financing to redo a house needing major work is something I'm going to have to remember), but there's a fascinating video at the bottom of the entry (before the comments) from a guy who calls himself "Mr. Mortgage." He gives a really educational talk about the difference between sub-prime mortgages and Alt-A mortgages, and shows how the Alt-A crisis that is going to hit soon might be even bigger than the sub-prime one that's currently proving to be a doozy.
Jaffa Bagel
Is this a Stargate thing?
Tomorrow night I go our for Brazilian food and then to see Crowded House at the Orpheum. I am VERY excited.
Sunday, to Lowe's to look for a replacement vanity top for the bathroom. The one that was here when we bought the house is all cracked and sad and I have been wanting to replace it for yonks.
I am actually looking forward to both things--and this almost makes up for the fact that despite both of us sticking 100% to this diet, I lost nothing this week, and the DH lost 8 lbs. Is this fair, I ask you?
I had Thai food for lunch and now I am in a spicy-starchy stupor.
I say that every time I go past it. Usually under my breath.