My neighbor just brought over a pair of my socks and a pair of (at least they were clean) underwear of mine that she found her in living room.
Do you share laundry or do you share freaky peoples?
eta: I don't think anyone can blame Theo's birdicider... That one is likely feline.
It's not related to peoples at all.
We line dry clothes. My first thought was (1) I hope those just blew into her yard. Followed by (2) I hope my neighbors husband didn't climb into our yard and steal them.
But no.... neither of those situations.
so the dogs were bringing things over?
With the things being formed my brain is confusing Theo's posts with Kat's, and then there's this whole toy boat slant to the whole thing...
HA. Actually the connection between my post and Theo's is pretty much spot on. The neighbor has a new kitten who has been hanging in our yard and carrying things to their house. Including a pair of socks and my underwear.
I'm pretty mortified.
I'm just catching up on Gray's Anatomy. And I know for many of you, it has jumped the shark. But can I just say how happy I am that my Bailey is back?
sparkle pager
makes me so so happy.
You get exposed to it and eventually, you develop the disease!
I've wondered about this. If there's a certain amount of "Huh. I'd never thought of that. But now that I know about it, it intrigues me strangely..."
Did anyone else read Ellis's Crooked Little Vein?
I shared this with The Boy, and he agrees wholeheartedly, and throws out his original theory. ("That makes MUCH more sense!")
Just call me the Fetish Detective!
...Well, no, don't.
Strega, did you get your alcohol cart yet?
Oh, I did! It's awesome! There's another big shelf on the back that you can't see in the photos, but minus the wine rack there's definitely room for tall bottles on that bottom shelf.
It was actually reasonably easy to assemble, everything's pre-drilled and I guess it took maybe 45 minutes to do. There's one part where it would be nice to have someone helping hold pieces in place while you screw them together, but I managed. Oh, and it comes in a giant unwieldy box that weighs about 80 lb, so I had to open the box in my trunk and carry the pieces upstairs in multiple trips.
There was an exciting moment after I'd assembled it in the living room when I realized that, while there's a ton of room for it in my kitchen, the doorway
the kitchen is very narrow. But it fit. With maybe 2 inches of clearance.
I'm having a soiree this weekend to show it off so maybe someone will have a camera since I spilled Coke on my Palm and now it's all messed up inside. Sigh. But it's very pretty. Yay.
Cool! I could kinda see where that would go in this apartment. Maybe after I find my next job.