Going to report her for hit and run, Kat, or some other applicable crime? I can't believe some people. Step up and take responsibility. A shrug is not responsibility.
This week has been like an investigation of ways to not want to get out of bed in the morning. Today is "because you're a lazy-ass, stupid" which is so much triter than all the rest so far. I suspect tomorrow may be "because it's hotter than the surface of Venus" but I don't want to slant the experiment ahead of time.
Stupid phones have stopped ringing. Ah.... silence.
Maybe the woman who hit Kat's car will have bad dreams about it and will be wracked with guilt. OK, probably not....
I'm tired and cranky and I deserve a giant mess of Thai food for lunch.
Yes, you do, shrift.
I'm not cranky, per se, but the zipper on my (very old) black pants decided that today is a good day to die. Fortunately, the shirt I'm wearing, when untucked, hangs far enough over my pants that the broken zipper isn't obvious.
Still, the only thing getting me through the work day is the prospect of going home and watching last night's Keith Olbermann Special Comment online -- is it true that he ended it by telling Bush to shut the hell up?
Ooh, look what I found the other day when I wasn't paying attention and walked two blocks past my bus stop: [link]
I am saved from death by envy only by their lack of blueberry pies.
Steph, I'll say only that his indignation was a thing of beauty and a joy to behold -- marred only by the realization that he probably didn't pick the best target.
is it true that he ended it by telling Bush to shut the hell up?
Yes, yes he did. KO was mightily pissed last night, and he was practically spitting fury with every word.
Fred, do you think he should have gone after Cheney and the neocons as well?
is it true that he ended it by telling Bush to shut the hell up?
Yes, yes he did.
Man, that's OUTSTANDING.