Awesome list:
I disagree! Here's what's annoying about the first ten items on the list:
1. Really? Robbed? You're going to be robbed whether you dress alike or not by a taxi driver or electronics store in midtown because (a) you are in a taxi and you don't know where you are and (b) you're in an electronics store in midtown! But who else is really going to sucker you? The guy at Duane Reade? Later in the list he points out that you WON'T get robbed. So which is it, guy?
3. 15%?!!! No. If you want to look like a tourist, go for it. Otherwise, it's 20.
5. "Buy junk at a street fair, and eat street meat (don't ask)." This is the time you are providing answers! Also, you can read the NY Times at home. Ridiculous to expect people to waste their vacation time with that.
9. "Also, as soon as it starts to rain, the available cabs become invisible. (No one knows why)." There are like nine economics books on the right hand side! You can't figure out what happens when demand exceeds supply?
Not for those of us trying to drive downtown! When the tourists are here, left turns = impossible.
If you're trying to do a left-turn onto the middle of a busy sidewalk, I'd say tourists are not your biggest problem...
Sumi: NYT has an article on Nicanor here: [link] Poor boy has lots of expectations to live up to.
Aimee, congrats on the new job.
Also, Wednesday is looking too much like Monday.
Unlike the fucking back door to the fucking stock exchange, where I walk through people's pictures every single day.
I dunno, now that people are asking for your autograph, maybe those aren't tourists, maybe they are paparazzi.
I dunno, now that people are asking for your autograph, maybe those aren't tourists, maybe they are paparazzi.
You know, I hadn't thought of that!!
(Note: the "back side" of the stock exchange fronts a pretty narrow sidewalk, and there's a small sign. The "front side" is enormous, columns, the whole nine, facing on a blocked-off street. I truly do not get why people take pictures in the inconvenient spot.)
If you're trying to do a left-turn onto the middle of a busy sidewalk, I'd say tourists are not your biggest problem...
Obviously not if I still can't make that left turn!
For future Stock Exchange tourists:
Take pictures here
Not here