If that isn't a "get offa my lawn" story, I don't know what is.
ETA re the LOLcats are ruining the youth of America story.
I believe he sent out a press release after Jerry Falwell's death claiming Falwell was going to hell for compromising with the godless.
Did he picket the funeral?
Blah blah blah teens suck at writing blah blah chatspeak blah....
I was just laughing at work about this, because my coworker and I were talking about this book we had both read that included a ton of letters written between lovers in the 1830s, and how a similar book written about our time would be all emails like, "LOL. see u l8er. ilu!!"
Did he picket the funeral?
I remember that he planned to, though I'm not sure if he actually managed or not.
And I think lolspeak, given that it does have its own internal consistency (there is such a thing as bad lolspeak, after all), makes a pretty good tool for talking about lanuage and grammar. I don't know if people are using it (I should ask my mother), but I remember reading something online about it. Anyone remember that?
Anyone remember that?
Yes -- in both Languagelog and BoingBoing, maybe a year ago?
I'm so disappointed, reading the NYTimes reviews of the SmartCar--they're all negative. And not in ways that you can be like "Oh, they just don't appreciate it" but like "It only gets 30ish mpg" and "it shifts like ass". Dang. But I totally agree that it ought to be getting mad gas mileage.
It seems utterly unfair that I still miss smoking. It's been years! I'm not addicted! It's kind of unpleasant to smoke these days! Why why why do I still think, "ah, cigarettes..."?
I have seen whole wanky arguments committed entirely in lolcats. And yeah, leet is not spelling-consistent -- I think that's partly the point of leet -- but it's a consistent expression of a set of rules (that don't happen to include specific spellings).
Then again, one of the big tenets of Chomskyan linguistics is: every language and dialect is rule-bound*. It may not follow the same rules from one language to another, but within the language, you will find it has rules and those rules are relatively consistent.
I know some people don't subscribe to Chomsky's theories, but they're a nice heuristic for eye-rolling at linguistic arguments about tresspass upon one's lawn.
I'm so disappointed, reading the NYTimes reviews of the SmartCar--they're all negative. And not in ways that you can be like "Oh, they just don't appreciate it" but like "It only gets 30ish mpg" and "it shifts like ass". Dang. But I totally agree that it ought to be getting mad gas mileage.
I've read one review that complained about the mileage. The review mentioned that you could get a Toyota (the smallest model) for less money that got better gas mileage and had seating for four instead of two....