Good grief. I would be all "Why do you...." but they've long since proved they're batshit crazy, so no point.
I had a dream I was a werewolf last night...there was also sex, I think. They may have been separate dreams. I really need to get laid. Ay.
Can I have shrift's nap if she's not using it?
Burrell, we are doing CAT6 testing today so things are sort of crazy on campus and they are trying to limit visitors as much as possible. I'll be done around 12:30 though.
I'll be done around 12:30 though.
Okay, no need for me to add to campus chaos. Are you free to come over for a short visit before you head home?
Can I have shrift's nap if she's not using it?
I would like to get in on some of that action as well. Shouldn't a meat-free salad and a caffinated soda set me up for a good afternoon? Instead I am sleeeepy.
I have eaten the giant burrito. Now I need a nap.
You should take a nap, your work is done now that the giant burrito has been defeated.
And pray there is no
Revenge of the Giant Burrito
There is an incessant beeping in my office. I'm too lazy to get up and see what it is and I guess everyone else is also.
"I was going to listen to it, and then I just carried on with my life." - Aldous Snow
Does the beginning of this video/song remind anyone else of the beginning of Once More, with Feeling?
(sorry to be all bandom all the time...)
I would say the Bush Administration has jumped the shark, but it's too late for that.
Government asks court to block wider testing for mad cow
Isn't this exactly the sort of thing conservatives would presumably oppose? Not to say all, or even most, conservatives would support this, just pointing out the hypocrisy of the Bush Administration.