They want me to carry around their phone number in my pocket. I'm like "WTF, I've been living on my own for YEARS now..."
... Actually, one of the things that is highly recommended by emergency specialists is either a laminated card in your wallet of things like emergency contact info, your doc's number, your preferred hospital, allergies, etc., and/or an entry in your cell phone titled "Emergency" with all of that in there.
I mean, it;s fine for a first responder to assume that "Mom" on your cell phone is someone they should call, but what if Mom's not answering? Who do they call then?
t /thinks about this stuff too much, and has yet to assemble her earthquake kit
that sounds very random meara...did something scare them recently?
I have no idea why they got all into it. I think because they feel like I don't communicate enough with them, so they wouldn't know if I didnt' call them for a day if it was because I only talk to them once a week-ish, or if it was because i was DEAD.
I have heard the ICE cellphone thing, but I don't have a doc or hospital, or allergies, so...
Actually, one of the things that is highly recommended by emergency specialists is either a laminated card in your wallet of things like emergency contact info, your doc's number, your preferred hospital, allergies, etc., and/or an entry in your cell phone titled "Emergency" with all of that in there.
And they also recommend that if you have an advanced directive that you store it at a place like DocuBank and that you carry that card around too.
Once a week? I call my mom and dad less than once a month - email... well that is different that is every few days - and random stuff - like ugly shoes.
It might be possible that the world needed an open-toed boot, but I'm pretty sure this ain't it. How hideous.
I thought that I was safe with a fashion link from ita. But, it was just as horrifying.
Allyson is 95% moved in to her new Apartment of Awesome.
I have just taken the world's longest cool shower and am now going to kick back and watch Spinal Tap in air conditioned comfort.
...but having an advance directive would mean that I knew ahead of time what I woudl want done, right? I have no idea what I would want. I mean, I don't want someone to keep me all Terry Schaivo if I'm clearly goop-for-brains, but don't like, not give me CPR, I'm still young, I have life ahead of me! But I figure if I'm goop-for-brains, I probably won't care.
Advanced directives aren't for only-need-CPR. It is prognosis dependent. At least mine is.
And it also is a designation of donation of organs for certain purposes over others.
Heh. Well, exactly. I have no directives to advance...[edit: if i had dependants, like you do, or a partner, I figure I would need more of that kind of thing, but...]