Anyway, it just kept walking behind me, yapping and nipping at my ankles... so damn cute.
If you like that sort of thing, you're welcome to come visit and have my dog nip your ankles. I'm trying to teach him not to, but I don't feel like I can ask people over specifically to get bitten.
Once my parents' dog got loose and they didn't realize it until an animal control guy showed up with her and said a neighbor called about a dog "terrorizing the neighborhood." Dog in question? A miniature dachshund.
I vaguely remember statistics saying you are more likely to get bitten by a small yappity dog than a big woofity dog. Of course, the big woofity bite is more likely to be serious.
you are more likely to get bitten by a small yappity dog than a big woofity dog.
That makes sense, as the small yappity dogs are all
Annabel Peapod - the not quite 8 lbs chihuahua - has been known to challenge very large dogs. Last year she got ripped up by a raccoon. Did she learn anything? only that she wants a piece of that raccoon.
Our beagle Fenris is 22 pounds of pure fury.
Dog in question? A miniature dachshund.
Ozymandias will bark like an insane thing at people walking in front of our house, people walking in front of their own houses, people who look like they might be getting out of their cars, and people he can see walking in the distance. He'll grumble about it forever too after they are long gone, but if you ever actually got up close to him while he was barking his fool head off? He'd lick your hands and try to kiss you.
Oh my god. I am officially an Old Lady. I got a Chico's catalog in the mail today. My 65 year old boss shops at Chico's. Wah!
Oh my god. I am officially an Old Lady. I got a Chico's catalog in the mail today. My 65 year old boss shops at Chico's. Wah!
No no no, flea. Unless you REQUESTED the catalog, or plan to actually ORDER from it, it is clearly a Big Mistake. Not old.
I think it may be because I sometimes order from J. Jill. But that's different, right?