Don't have much to add to the current discussion, but in "yay, me!" news, I just found out that, thanks mostly to me, Kansas has finally added something to their website that will help me and I'm hoping other legislative researchers out (chapter numbers for signed legislation). They're the last state in the country to do this, which is what I kept telling my contact there year after year as she would fax or e-mail me the list. She fought with her bosses to put it online, mostly based on what I told her and links to other states that I sent her.
I sent her a very appreciative e-mail in response to this info, and am seriously considering asking her for her boss's e-mail and forwarding it to him/her as well. This makes my job just that much easier.
Aims, can I grope you (in a purely theraputic way)?
YES! I'll call them Therapy Breasts and start writing off my bras on my taxes as a medical/business expense.
t random train of thought
Come to think of it, bras SHOULD be written off on taxes as a medical neccessity.
Come to think of it, bras SHOULD be written off on taxes as a medical neccessity.
Man, if they were I'd totally be splurging on those $70 bras that fit me perfectly.
I just got fitted a couple of weeks ago, and have now found my One True Bra. And they aren't $70 a pop, either.
My One True Bra is $90 a pop, AND was recently discontinued. I've been roaming the internets trying to find whatever stock is left.
Sigh. I should use this as motivation to lose weight. If I lost 50 lbs, I'd have to go down a few cup sizes and therefore be much easier to fit.
A minimizer!?!!!! blasphemy!
From Martha Stewart's webpage: French Toast Kabobs
Damn, that looks nummy....
A minimizer!?!!!! blasphemy!
It doesn't minimize them so much as just smooths them out. I've never had such an awesome bra, seriously.