shrift "wins" at work crap, but I have what seems like a few dozen things to do in my life before vacation, and vacation is less than 24 hours away.
- need cat feeder (maybe just got that covered)
- need to get keys to cat feeder
- need to get packed
- need to change sheets (cat feeder may be a sitter)
- need to de-hair duvet cover (see above)
- need to finish homework (mac)
- need to get money from bank
- need to call car service
- need to mail 2 things
I swear there was more.
Nobody wants to go see Iron & Wine with me tonight.
I'll go.
but first, I need to take a few people down. who are (A) Not Dana and (B) trying to destroy a small corner of the internet, using Ego as a Battleaxe.
Nobody wants to go see Iron & Wine with me tonight.
Hey, I totally want.
Wait, there's a transatlantic flight to bring into consideration. Shit.
Happy Earth Day Earth! Thanks for the gravity, atmosphere, and magnetic field!
Yes! Thanks for the water and the air and the not exploding.
It's the week for falling ceilings. Thankfully, my landlord actually responded and did a fairly good job of cutting way the messed up part of the ceiling and cleaning up after himself. So there's that.
Frankly, that doesn't sound like a punishment, Shrift.
Well, I'm violently angry right now, so I can't guarantee that anyone who touches my ass will make it out of the experience alive.
I would go! Just give me five minutes to destroy the internet first.
I'll just suck it up and go by myself. I imagine it will be a mellow concert, so I'll be fine.
t sigh
The internet, however -- how about we destroy it together? I'm seriously considering printing up a T-shirt that just says "NO." for Dragon*Con.
I'm tempted to go to Dragon*Con this year. It is between going or saving money to move out of the apartment with roaches. It is bad that this is even a question. Isn't it?
WHEW! got a cat sitter and a way to get her the keys. AWESOME!
I wore the wrong shoes to work today. My back HURTS. I swear, last time I wore these they were comfortable. How can I have forgotten how?
I paged in late to work today, but work didn't pay attention and kept calling me at home. Mumblegrumble.
I swear there was someone outside my window wishing vehement happy Earth days, but I couldn't work out why she had to be so insistent. I don't get the opposition.
The internet, however -- how about we destroy it together?
This is really looking like a shinier and shinier idea today.
shrift, I was mentally slashing a contact lens commercial last night and kinda blamed you.