Ah, probably the result of the pharmacy industry and law enforcement agencies fighting it out in Congress.
The pharmacy industries want to sell things without limitations or registrations, while the law enforcement want to make these things impossible to get. Congress usually ends up in the middle making compromises that no one likes and are never effective.
I remember reading about one of the speed precursors, the DEA wanted to make selling large quantities a mandatory report, the manufacturers said, okay, but not for large purchases of it in capsule form. Who would go through the bother of breaking open thousands of capsules? Congress agreed that was a reasonable compromise. In some jurisdictions the end result was that the DEA and the police simply started asking the trash companies to contact them when they picked up dumpsters of popped pill capsules...
From the news this morning - lobbying expenditures are at an all-time high. The #1 industry - drug companies. #2? insurance.
Who would go through the bother of breaking open thousands of capsules?
Have these people
a crackhead? I'm really not sure you can assume a rational decision-making process.
Which was the law-enforcement agencies position, but the Congresscritters apparently thought they were exaggerating....
From what I've read it's way way down the list of ways people actually make the illegal drug, though. It just happens to be something one can be seen to be doing about it. Who cares about the actual impact?
One of my local grocery stores locks up the baby formula and one doesn't. So I just don't shop at the one that does because it's a PITA to stand in line at the contraband counter. (And it doesn't hurt that the non-locking-up one has a better selection anyway.)
Happy Earth Day, btw!
There was a big hoohah in DC recently about how in all the not-gentrified areas of the city, the drugstores were locking up the condoms. Which, even if you weren't planning to steal them is a PITA, sicne the people who WORK at those drugstores tend to be ASS at customer service...
(hi! Training is boring, but we're on a short break....)
Happy Earth Day Earth! Thanks for the gravity, atmosphere, and magnetic field!
So last night I mentioned Buzkashi and it turned out that my daughter already knew all about it. It wasn't because she plays it at recess, it's something she read about in a horse book.
Seriously, I'm ready for the whole steampunk retelling of Star Wars at this point. Let's just do it already.
It might even be better than the prequels. Actually, since Star Wars Episode IV (the original one) showed up on the TV schedule I went ahead and recorded and watched it. So much better.
You know - I have no problem giving someone my list and having them go fetch things. It is the half-assed somethings you have to ask some thing you don't.
My local CVS locks up condoms, pregnancy tests, and razors. I haven't noticed about the baby formula for obvious reasons. The CVS is on the fringe of a gentrified area, but it definitely isn't gentrified itself..