Captain America doesn't have fun.
I have no idea how I managed to read just the last Captain reference in your post as America, and the rest as Marvel.
I guess that means I should go home for a nap, right?
I was delighted to learn that taking the vegetables I'd used to make veggie broth and pureeing them with cream and water makes a very bright and tasty soup. And by bright I mean pointedly unsalted. Very nice indeed.
I have no idea how I managed to read just the last Captain reference in your post as America, and the rest as Marvel.
Eh. It happens. Too many "Captain" heroes.
What we need is more heroes with different ranks.
Sure, you got your Sergeant Rock and Sergeant Steel and Major Force...we need to explore the lower rank structures.
Ensign Awesome. Private First Class Power Dude. Midshipman Maximum. Chief Petty Officer Omnipotent. Things like that.
GAH and getting a coffee cart for their beach day.
Adds item to list of
Things to do when I'm RICH.
Chief Petty Officer Omnipotent
t Armed services joke
You mean they're not already?
mmm, I had yummy street cart chicken gyro - mmmm. warm sun = good times.
Why yes I did have pie and pie for lunch! Well, I'm still eating my shepherd's pie and have apple crumb lined up for dessert.
Haven't read Black Summer, but Sellouts...dude, Supershock burned down the Vatican and laid waste to the Gaza Strip.
Yeah, but mostly off-panel. Whereas the supers in Black Summer mowed down a couple of platoons of soldiers who opened fire on them on panel...
But I guess it is just a matter of degrees
my co-worker, who i had a tiff with yesterday, wants to take me to lunch and pay. should i be worried about being left at the restaurant to walk back to work? or worse???
Check for "Soylent green" on the menu?