I'm scared of the chinese buses, which are probably the best deal all around. Except when they are asshats.
I've never taken the Chinatown bus but have friends who do regularly and have done okay so far. I have taken Greyhound though and it's been great and a lot of times they run specials that make them as cheap as the Chinatown bus. There's also a new bus line that runs from Charles Village.
Seriously, it's ridiculous that I don't get up to NY more often!
The shenaniganry is pretty funny: like, the plaintiff asked for a copy of the page proof, in the process of filing an injunction against publishing until the matter could be clarified, and the defendant said, "just go print off the website." But... there's material on the website copyrighted to various other fannish authors; and the website is not completely updated to account for HP #7; and so forth: the website is obviously not the book. Apparently, the defendant just thought that being sarcastic with the court system was a legitimate part of the process.
Because the court is actually a seventh grade lunch room, or something.
To and from New York, Greyhound is super cheap, as long as you click the right thing on the front page. My main issue with the Chinatown busses is that Chinatown is just not that convenient for me! There's apparently some Jewish bus company between NY and Baltimore that is good and cheap, but doesn't run on Shabbat.
There's apparently some Jewish bus company between NY and Baltimore that is good and cheap, but doesn't run on Shabbat.
Oh, yes, that's the other option!
so. would you be around, or will work keep you from us?
I'll try to make it. I'll probably have to work until at least six, though.
Be also warned, that the Pope arrives in NYC on Friday: [link] Driving could be a problem.
Be also warned, that the Pope arrives in NYC on Friday: [link] Driving could be a problem.
gah! foiled by religion again.
gah! foiled by religion again.
Not just any religion, but a religion employing a Popemobile....
The pope visit is having like zero effect on my life. Maybe Sunday will be a mess trying to get to church and I am just kidding myself, but I don't think so.
mac went to school today. fingers are crossed he will last all day. tantrum to go to the Dr. yesterday involved kicking, hitting, spitting and trying to walk away three different times once out of the apartment. remember how I said adults are a miracle?
My manager has the flu.
If she's given it to me or has turned me into a carrier, half the internet is going to be
very unhappy
with me this week.
The Pope is making my Wednesday commute Hell, but at least we get Thursday off.