I'm not much of a beer person, really. Although it's awfully convenient -- I have part of a bottle of wine sitting here I'm about to throw out.
Oh, unless You People think it would be OK to cook with -- it's been open on the counter for like a week, so is no longer good to drink.
I'm of the "if you wouldn't drink it, don't cook with it" school.
I've been told that you can cook with wine for maybe a day or so after you'd drink it, but a week seems like too much. (I've heard about people freezing leftover wine in ice cube trays and then using those to cook with, but I've never tried it.)
So I was on the phone with my brother when a kid arrived for a sleepover with D. He got off the phone and called me back under a minute later. In that minute, there'd already been a pillowfight, someone had doffed their pants and D and friend (5 y.o.) and T (11 months) were all in D's bedroom, tearing it apart. I could hear the friend making nice with T, and within 5 more minutes, a fort ("No! A SPACE SHUTTLE!!") was being constructed of the recently deconstructed couch in the livingroom and T had had his first crawling-can't-keep-up-with-running meltdown.
And my SIL is off having a girls night out. I've been a nanny. I know this is how it goes. But I was exhausted just listening to it!
Note to self: When the Thai restaurant puts the word "Spicy" in the title of a dish on their menu, take them at their word. I was lulled into a sense of false security by other dishes being pretty mild when I've ordered them with medium seasoning. This was not mild. drinks another pitcher of water...
Wow, Kathy, what a jackass!
Shoot, I just realized that I had not planned "do my taxes" into my weekend time. Granted, I've DONE them already and just need to make sure I have all the copies and so on that I need, and do them in pen (since I did them in pencil first) and write a check for the one I owe to, but...still.
Try milk instead, Matt
or anything with fat in it. more info here
The milk in my fridge is almost a week past its sell-by date. I don't think drinking it would help.
I know that 10 or 12 years ago I wouldn't have blinked at food this hot, but my stomach has become far wimpier since then.