Liese, your house ROCKS.
I get irked by the petition people outside Trader Joe's and get unreasonably happy when the anti-petition people try to stop people from signing their petitions by pointing out the crappy unclear wording etc.
It's 90+ degrees out today.
The internet is broken district wide. So I am at home finishing work on a sonnet lesson for which I needed the sonnets from the internet.
ita, thousand miles sounds ominous.
It is 84 degrees here. My body is confused. but, I did find shorts that fit
Science tattoos:
Holy shit, this one is amazing.
I thought this one was really cool: [link]
There are some very pretty ones in that collection. That one and the tree of life tattoo were my favorites.
I'm waiting for my flight to board, and then I have a five hour trip home.
This tree of life tattoo: [link]
That sounds awesome! What was it for?
Work-related. I had to go see a lighthouse on an island off the Washington coast, so I got a ride on a Coast Guard helicopter. (Yes, some days my job is awesome.)
What is one good thing from your day so far?
I took the dog for a 5-mile walk in the woods, and the weather is beautiful. And I think I shall go climbing tonight.