I don't believe in the horoscope and I know better than to ascribe mystic sight to
The Onion's
horoscope, but...
Capricorn December 22 - January 19
Your hunger for knowledge is second to none. Unfortunately, you tend to regurgitate everything right back up again.
Well, Jilli, it's especially prevalent among the dykes. The whole crunchier granola hipster grunge dirty hippy I don't comb my hair I'm cool because I pay someone to cut my hair to make it look like my hair hasn't been cut in six months kinda look. All that jazz.
Oh, that look is prevalent amongst most of Seattle, not just the dykes. Crazy people, I say. Dress up, dammit!
We were in Portland, where it's even MORE so,
Portland, where they issue the flannel, Birks, golden retriever, and Subaru at the border?
Crazy people, I say. Dress up, dammit!
But...but...dressing up is work, and would take some combination of time, money, and/or the ability to sew, none of which I have to any great degree. Besides, I like the way jeans and t-shirts feel, like I'm way more myself than I am in the business casual crap I have to wear to work.
ETA as discussed a few months ago, I really am trying to build a better, more "me" wardrobe. But there's nothing that makes me feel better about my appearance than the right pair of jeans.
But...but...dressing up is work, and would take some combination of time, money, and/or the ability to sew, none of which I have to any great degree.
Well, true. The wardrobe is kind of my hobby. But when I'm Queen of Everything, there will be a dress code. Consider this your advance warning.
I'm trying to book corporate travel through the tools at work. Aggravating does not even BEGIN to describe it.
Heh. So funny. I have the opposite problem. Moving to LA has made me miss the easy NE hippie-wear I used to be so comfortable in. I do like to have clean hair with a nice cut, though.
But when I'm Queen of Everything, there will be a dress code. Consider this your advance warning.
Well, when you're Queen of Everything, you can provide wardrobe consultants for the fashion-inept, right? And make it like in Narnia where your best clothes were also the ones that felt best to wear?
See, Susan, I"m not talking comfy. I'm not even talking "I bought my whole wardrobe at REI". That can be a thing. Even if it's not quite my thing. I'm talking it's Saturday night, you're out dancing, looking to meet the laaaaydeeez...and you're wearing a t-shirt that has faded into illegibility over a long sleeved t-shirt that has holes in it, over some jeans that haven't been washed in a week, and a pair of tevas. And bedhead. I don't care how hot your piercings and tatoos are (cause yes, I like your piercings and tattoos), that's not a "I got dressed up to go out and care about my appearance" look. Even if it IS a carefully tailored look, it's when you're trying to look like you aren't trying...it just....ahhhhh.
See, that's not my going out look. I go for "casual but I still care." Like, nice jeans and a shirt that clings enough to show off the good curves and drapes enough to hide the bad ones.
Well, when you're Queen of Everything, you can provide wardrobe consultants for the fashion-inept, right? And make it like in Narnia where your best clothes were also the ones that felt best to wear?
Of course! That's an entire separate section in my Take Over The World plans.
Even if it IS a carefully tailored look, it's when you're trying to look like you aren't trying...it just....ahhhhh.
Yes. It bugs me almost as much as the women who spend more time than me putting on makeup for a "natural" look that A) doesn't look very natural, and B) makes them think they have a license to sneer at those of us who prefer dramatic eyeliner and lipstick.