"Organizing" is a great procrastination tool.
I see hoarding and clutter as two different things though. If there's storage space, hoarding's not really an issue for me. Clutter drives me batshit. Sadly, my sister has both tendencies.
My housemate is not really a hoarder, but does clutter. The Golf Digest he accidently received a week or so ago? Still out on the coffee table. It took me a long time to realize that what I thought was pumice in the bathroom was really just crap that fell from the ceiling that he never bothered to throw out.
We are about to start completely decluttering as well and I'm not looking forward to the process (thought I'm really looking forward to the results). We are both packrats but GF is more of one than I am. We are collectors so it's tough. I think I'm going to purge some of the stuff in my collections and maybe some of the collections, too. Hopefully we are about to need more room!
Good luck decluttering! It's exciting when it's for a good reason. I keep teasing TCG that he needs to declutter his office sooner rather than later, because sometime in the next couple of years we may need to fit a crib in there. I don't have an office in this apartment (my computer is in the living room), so he's going to have to give up some of that room.
What I realized after doing tons of laundry yesterday is that, when all my clothes are clean, I don't have room for them in the closet. So I pulled out a few things to donate, a few things that are stained so that I can't wear them anymore to go in the rag bag, and then a whole lot of winter clothes. Now I need to figure out what to do with the winter clothes.
FYI, I was completely sober when I asked Jilli out.
However, I was not completely sober when he asked me out. It was during one of the infamous "Booze Up And Riot" team morale events that WotC customer service would periodically throw.
FYI, I was completely sober when I asked Jilli out.
However, I was not completely sober when he asked me out. It was during one of the infamous "Booze Up And Riot" team morale events that WotC customer service would periodically throw.
Aha! So, as long as one of you was sauced to some degree, then Jars' observation still stands.
Huh, I had forgotten you were a tipsy-goth.
ETA: Sean, hush you.
That Unclutter site did refer me to the Operation PaperBack, which sends books to the troops. That I can get behind, because bored, stressed people will jump at the chance to read even the weird old stuff I've got.
Aha! So, as long as one of you was sauced to some degree, then Jars' observation still stands.
And balance is restored to the Universe...
Huh, I had forgotten you were a tipsy-goth.
I'd had something like two or three of the infamous alcoholic milkshakes. So I was tipsy AND sugared-up.
what if I'm in the middle of a project and I NEED that box of random lace, ribbon, and feathers? Not to mention the random bits of sparkly jewelry?
Replace "lace," "ribbon," "feathers," and "sparkly jewelry" with "random metal parts," "conveyor belt chain," "all the tools in the WORLD," and "a chicken-egg incubator," and you've got The Boy.
I *desperately* want to unclutter his house, but -- it's his house. He can only get rid of so much before a panic attack sets in. So it's very very VERY slow going.
I'm a bit sceptical about what happens when you tell a doctor you are doing all the right things but not losing weight. I get a lot of, "If that is really what you are eating you should be losing weight," without any follow-up testing to find out why I'm not.
Weight loss (or weight, in general) is mysterious hoodoo that doesn't necessarily point to good stuff or bad stuff going on. A lot of times, your body knows what weight it wants to be and doesn't like to budge from that.
Nora got here before I could, so I'll just point and nod.