Yay, sj! That's awesome.
Good to see Fay!
My thesis buddy just came and kidnapped me, and we spent the afternoon walking through Arnold Arboretum. We sat among the lilacs (see the link for a picture) and had a picnic lunch that she made. It was lovely and perfect. We were supposed to get together and discuss plans for our presentation on Tuesday, but mostly we discussed our shallow fashion details for the presentation, party, and honors gatherings on campus (there are three! Craziness!). Also, she has vetoed me making my famous blueberry muffins (from scratch!) for the presentation. Bless her.
sj, it's been 6 months since I've had the washer/dryer and it STILL makes me happy.
This is me, but replace 6 months with 2 years. Having a w/d rocks!
Did you have a good birthday Vortex?
Fay, umm have you told him out right that you have a crush on him? Because while not returning your crush is one kind of clueless, sometimes guys can be another kind where they simply don't know you are interested, in spite your sending just about every possible signal.
Still Not Dead! Went to the hospital, and am doing a course of shots. Lucky lucky me. Fingers and toes crossed, all should be well. Please God.
Good to see you're well. Also, glad that you made it to the doctor.
Also, am sort of incredulous at the egregious amount of adorability being displayed by the bloke I have a crush on. I mean, come the fuck on, Universe! You're just SCREWING with me here! Enough!
But, I didn't do anything!
Wait, you're not talking about me are you? Unacceptable!!!
Just went shopping at my local mall and lucked into clearance sales--for less than $150 total I got a pair of khakis for work, a pair of jeans, and three shirts to replenish my sorely deficient summer work wardrobe (all at Lane Bryant) plus a new pair of shoes for my new home workout program. (Which basically entails popping a workout DVD into the player, and will start as soon as I've cleared a large enough spot of living room floor, decluttering the house being another project of mine I'm trying to get off the ground.)
I'd forgotten how fun it can be to just shop. We've been pretty damn broke ever since 2004, so for years now I've only been shopping when I really really need something specific, which all too often leads to tears and frustration. Anyway, thanks to frugality and the gradual effects of me working again, we've gone from damn broke to just broke, so I was able to shop today with a lighter heart than I have in a long time and actually get something beyond the two pieces I desperately needed (the khakis and the shoes). Granted, the massive clearance sales helped, but it feels good to feel like we've dug ourselves partway out of our hole. Assuming the inheritance comes through we'll be all the way out, but I'm glad we were able to at least make a beginning on our own.
yay Susan. I just had a neighborhood kid help me in the yard--and I had talked to his folks telling them I was going to pay him 10.00 an hour. It is a lot. But way less than the professional gardeners. But I figure I want to keep him helping me all through high school. And plus - he does what I tell him to do. He also wants to be a kindergarten teacher. If he stay in Ca, he could probably have 3 or 4 people that he worked on their yard and still have a leisurely summer.
I seem to have just dyed my hair pink. Huh.
Well, yes. But I didn't know I was going to do it this morning.