sox, fwiw, you didn't come across as anything but totally eager to be helpful!
I loves this place. thanks. That certainly feels like my otherspace id this week. Because I know that what X Y and Z want to do is Bad for the Internets. And I have vowed to protect the internets. or something. From stupidity, at least.
now he. will. never. leave. his. den.
YouTube and Wikipedia will eventually ruin my live. I got Rickroll'd and now I'm watching Rick Astley videos on YouTube. What the HELL is wrong with me?
Hmm. I don't know if this relationship is going to work out.
Hmm. I don't know if this relationship is going to work out.
Hey, you're never gonna give him up!
I'm never gonna let her down.
What's your stance on running around?
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Well, I certainly won't be doing any deserting.
Well, I certainly won't be doing any deserting.
Is that what they call licking whip cream off of... o wait, that's desSert... never mind
Yes, but are you gonna make her cry? Are you gonna say goodbye?