Wow! It's actually like 1/3 of the size of my old one. This is awesome!
Ok. I know this seems silly, but my old one literally takes up 1/2 of my carry-on suitcase, which makes it impossible for me to only take my carry-on on a weekend trip...especially when visiting my bro and SIL with the cats. This is so awesome!
AND! It comes with an instructional DVD. SO cool.
I just re-read that and realized how absolutely pathetic I am.
not pathetic, vw. You're making me want one.
You're making me want one.
Oh, honey. You are having a bad day!
I'm just weird that way. When I was a kid I wanted a walker.
You are having a bad day!
Roommate D is talking me down from the ledge. He said he'd pay B's share of the lawn (all $17 of it) and work with them on moving out as soon as possible.
He's arguing with you over $17? Wow. Jerkface.
meanwhile I've been doing his dishes 3-4 times a week. If he thinks usage = payment he's going to get a hard time every time I see him go for my blender, pots, pans, dishes... the next time he leaves trash on the kitchen counter he'll find it in his bed.
Laga, sounds like you should pick next roommate.
the plan is not to get another roommate. D got promoted to management and is now making twice as much so he wants to pay 62% of the rent and turn the spare room into an office.
Oh, Laga, that sounds rather like heaven!