Merci. I did look this up, and dictionary dot com told me it was "pedanticalness." Now I want to go get pedantic on their ass.
The why: Our high-tech conference room reservation system is a calendar taped to the conf. room door. Apparently someone said they hadn't reserved it because they didn't have a pen with them. So the secretary taped a pencil to the door, and put a yellow sticky reading PENCIL --> next to it.
That kicked off a flurry of sticky notes on the door, including "HINGE -->," "HANDLE -->," and "CARPET."
Then someone put a sticky pointing to those that reads "IRONY."
So I crossed that out and wrote "SARCASM." My colleague plans to add a "PEDANTRY" pointer to my note. "BUFFISTA" would obviously work just as well, but not make sense to anyone else.