Peak flow is dangerously low. Neb machine isn't working. There are sparks. Talked to prof to see if I could make up today's test so I could go to ER, and he said no, I must be there. No makeups.
So, I'm headed to campus where, last I checked, they don't have nebulizers in the campus health center.
Also waiting for my PCP to call back from my page, so she can order a new neb for me to pick up after my exam.
breathing~ma and get-through~ma would be greatly appreciated.
Talked to prof to see if I could make up today's test so I could go to ER, and he said no, I must be there. No makeups.
Someone needs to smite him. Please take care, vw. Tons of breathing ~ma.
Um, the hell?
and we have secretly replaced vw's professor-hat with aims' ex-bosshat... let's see if anyone notices...
nice move professor - niiiice.
get through it & breathing ~ma.
I get it. I really do. This is a freshman-level course. They have strict policies that go across many sections, and I've already bent them this semester. He can't bend them anymore. But, still. Can't breathe well. Let's think about how well I'm going to be able to do on the test. Oh, well. Hopefully it will be better than a 0.
I get it. I really do. This is a freshman-level course. They have strict policies that go across many sections, and I've already bent them this semester. He can't bend them anymore. But, still. Can't breathe well. Let's think about how well I'm going to be able to do on the test. Oh, well. Hopefully it will be better than a 0.
I do understand this, but I am headed to the hospital/doctor should really be a valid excuse regardless of the rules.
Eh. But, Hil's student from last night shows that you can't always just go with what they say. Ok. I'm off. Just changed my VM message to say, "If this is Dr. ____, please call my cell. Anyone else, leave a message."
They have strict policies that go across many sections
And one of those policies should be "Breathing is more important than rules." I mean, COME ON!!!
She's actually the fifth student (out of 28) to email asking for a higher grade.
Squeaky wheel, and all that. At BU I realized I was at a disadvantage because I didn't do things like that, and I thought the rules in the syllabus were the last word. Turned out "NO INCOMPLETES" really meant "no incompletes unless you come and ask me and have a good reason*." So I'd say Hil's students will probably do pretty well in life... while thoroughly annoying everyone around them.
And linking this to vw's post, I can see why they have that policy, but I canNOT see why the professor wouldn't have exercised his prerogative to make exceptions for actual emergencies.
(* Which makes sense. They have the rule so that they can point at it if they don't think the reason's good enough, but students with real need can have their case considered. I myself got one incomplete and one waiver of an attendance policy when I was there -- once I learned to ask for them.)
I could see needing a note from your doctor saying it really was an emergency and you needed to be seen, but I can't see the total inflexibility when it comes to health issues.