Waiting to hear how Aims is doing...
She's doing ok. Well, as ok as can be expected.
I'm applying for several jobs and hope that something will come along that I will be good at and that I will enjoy.
More in a sec - I have to put a certain little to bed.
Sigh. I emailed her again with "The grades are final now." She emailed me back to tell me, once again, that she's just one point away from an A, and does one point really matter that much? (Yes. It does.)
Hil, respond and say, "If you e-mail me again, I will publish your e-mail address on a public website, and you will start hearing how wrong-headed you are from people all over the world."
Ask her how she would feel if all of a sudden you decided to make a 93 an A-? Would she say "one point doesn't really matter that much, so okay?" I doubt it.
AAAAGH. You would think working for [a subsidiary of] an insurance company I would have decent insurance. But no, I just took three prescriptions in to the pharmacy...and was told it would be $60 each. Good GOD. Actually, one is the three month BCP, so it's $180 for that one. And then $120 for the other two.
Plus there's an $1100 deductible.
And this is on top of having to pay a shitload for stuff I had done on a DIFFERENT insurance plan in January, since I had a different employer and insurance. Because that one had a deductible too. AAAGH.
hi, all! I am finally sitting at a computer.
Ugh, Kristin, you poor thing! Take take of yourself, and it was totally the antibio that knocked your tummy off-whack.
I got my staples out today. It was ok -- getting my brows waxed hurts more. I did have to spend about 3 hours in a car, as my mom and dad don't want me to go home till Wednesday, so we drove up to KC to go to the drs.
I found out that all of my biopsied parts -- cysts and dear, departed ovary -- all all cancer-free. Woo hoo! I also found out that I DID hear right (I was all morphined up - that is some CRAZY shit, morphine) that I also had about 3/4 of a fallopian tube taken out, too. Apparently, my cyst grew 2 cms. in between April 17th and May 6th, and was stucj like glue to all my girly parts.
Enough about me -- how's everyone!
Sean, mmm. Earl Grey! My dad is a tea freak, but he hates messing with loose leaf (I know, I know, but my dad is a stubborn rock) and I have been enjoying the benefit of his lovely collection of Double Bergamot Earl Grey , Irish & English & Scottish Breakfast teas this week.
He brought me a cup of Double Spice chai when I was tucked up in bed a couple of days ago, and it was so sweet! My bog dad, making me tea. Aww.
Erin, which side? I had the same thing done when I was 15. My cyst was the size of a grapefruit!
Sigh. I emailed her again with "The grades are final now." She emailed me back to tell me, once again, that she's just one point away from an A, and does one point really matter that much? (Yes. It does.)
This is math. OF COURSE one point matters, you whinging twit!
Um, left side, yep. My doc says "softball-sized" but I think it's the same thing. I like to think "gross ovary-devouring juice-filled blob of nasty sucking pain non-teratoma" but that's just me.
Aims, I'm so sorry about the job. I am in the same boat -- I'm going to pop some Vicodin tomorrow and cruise the net for openings. Uncertainty is EXCITING, right?!
Vortex, heh. Ouch. Don't make me laugh!
Hil, you're too nice. I'ma thinking Vortex et. al. have the right idea -- that student is being a pain in the ass and trying to nag you into giving a good grade, just to get rid of her. Don't do it.