"Well, then I don't know why it hasn't been processed."
BZZZT!! Sorry, thank you for playing. The correct answer would have been, "Let me look that up, then." Also acceptable, "I'll look into it. May I have your telephone number so I can call you back when I find out?"
Waitaminute. You worked, you got paid for work, it's work. Calling it "work Study" merely labels it indicating you got it through the school. It's still work.
She's an ass. Make her prove in writing somewhere that work study does not count. And then find out why.
Work study ≠ make-work.
After x-Post: Well, then, even better. Makes them more incompetent.
Ok. It is NOT work study, and they will write MassHealth a letter saying such. God bless them.
Good. I hope this is the last time you have to deal with this.
Work study ≠ make-work.
Well, you'd think. But, this is another lovely "rule" that lets them deny people. It won't go away.
Fortunately, once again, I know where to look up what is actually the case, who to call to get what I need, and the skills to tell them to go fuck themselves without actually saying, "Go fuck yourself."
You know, though. These situation make me SO angry on SO many other peoples' behalf. Not everyone has the knowledge and resources and support that I do. And what are they supposed to do? They get denied and end up the street. What is wrong with our world?
And sorry for my panic attack on the board. It really helped to be able to get through this situation effectively, though, because I could update and process here. Thanks, guys.
You know what's extra fun? Knowing that I really need to check in with my therapist, but not being able to come up with a time where she could call me. I'm currently waiting on two urgent call-backs. Then I have to jump in the shower and go to my doctor's appointment.
Does it ever stop? Or even slow down? Is this what the rest of my life looks like? If so, I want to go back to not being able to get out of bed.
And, in my insanity, I just agreed to do some transcription this weekend. The kind of good thing about this is I'm probably canceling my babysitting tomorrow because I just don't think I can run around with a 10-year-old and her dog for eight hours, so this will give me something else money-making to do so I don't feel so guilty about losing those hours.
going through puberty was sucky enough at 11 that I shudder to think what going through it at sixteen would be like. Ugh.
It was no big deal for me, actually. I've always figured it would be easier to do it older. It's less confusing.
vw--how did you sleep? Amnd how is your breathing? I assume since you are going to doctor's appointment it isn't great, but because you are not at the ER it's not dire. Is that right?
New Poodle gets to our house one hour!