Now I want a donut. Fortunately there's a deli in my building.
ION, I'm seeing Eddie Izzard tonight!!!!
And it's also exactly 15 years (!) since I graduated from college. Of the 4 roommates I had in college, 3 are married and have kids, and the other just won a fucking *Emmy* award. Overachiever.
ION, I'm seeing Eddie Izzard tonight!!!!
Woo Hoo! I hope you enjoy the show as much as I did.
Ok. Remember my situation with MassHealth a few weeks ago. It has actually gotten worse. On hold for a supervisor right now. Not-flip-my-lid~ma appreciated.
I swear. These people are incompetent. The guy I just spoke with said, "Well, ma'am it takes 15 days to process that."
My response: "Um, according to my math, April 18 was well over 15 days ago."
"Well, then I don't know why it hasn't been processed."
Well, do you think you might want to look into that? Instead, he transfered me to someone else in a different office because the supervisor in his office wouldn't be able to help me.
"Well, then I don't know why it hasn't been processed."
Oh, for crap's sake.
::doubles intensity of patience~ma being vibed to vw::
Now I'm getting, "Your income was verified on April 11."
"How could it have been verified on the 11th if I didn't bring in the paperwork until the 18th?"
God, vw. What the fucking fuck!?!?!? Also, sorry that your package got stolen. Between that and the MassHealth stuff, it is not looking like a good day for Teh Humans.
Honestly, this has been my week. I'm just not even surprised anymore.
And now I'm on hold while she tries to figure out who actually has the new paperwork from me. Um, that seems like a good thing to have in the computer.
Update: She came back. She is now holding the paystubs, but she informed me that work study work doesn't fucking count as "work hours."
You know what? The world can go to hell in a handbasket for all I care about right now.