Are they at least feeding you at any of these meetings? Yeesh!
And, Meara, what in the HELL is a meat panty? Or do I not want to know? (and do you also read Elyse Sewell's LJ? I have never seen ANTM, but I adore Elyse)
I do read her blog, she is awesome. And by meat panties, I mean hanging out in a meat locker wearing meat
Are they at least feeding you at any of these meetings?
No even though I say that every Tuesday!
Hey! My government handout economic stimulus payment has hit my bank account!
Uh, yeah. $600 = just about 6 months of gas for my car. However, most of the $ is going to make the final payment on my car (woot!), and the rest is going (ironically) to buying a bicycle.
$600 = just about 6 months of gas for my car.
I'm not entirely sure I'll get a payment, since I'll almost certainly owe taxes again this year, but if I do, all it will be doing is offsetting my tax bill.
No stimulating the economy for me. No consumer electronics, no gas, no food, not even paying of bills or paying down of debt. It will just go right back to the government.
Yeah, mine is going directly into the keep-Val-alive-over-the-next-year fund.
Ours went immediately to credit card debt.
Mine should be there today and will likely cover the cost of renting some storage space for 2 month. Darn it. I was hoping we could just use the garage, but we have hit max there already and need to keep the boxes out of the house. Snarl.
BUT I'm setting aside a bit of it for a massage or two cause my stress levels are through the roof and I need something to look forward to.
I don't think I'm getting one, sadly. Which is stupid, because just because I made lots of money last year doesn't mean I don't need it THIS year!! This year is a whole different year!! Where I have been making no money for a few months!! Stupid rassenfrassen government plan.
Mine was supposed to go towards an iTouch. But, I'm not bitter about that. Nope. Not at all.
I'm thinking I'll give at least half mine to my dad, since apparently people living the good life on social security and VA disability payments are only getting half of what I as a single person with reasonable income receive. @@