I know it's not a drugstore brand but I don't use anything but Blinc's Kiss Me now. So great!
Where do you buy it? There are no retailers near my zip code...is there a preferred distributor?
Also, in looking at the blinc site, am I seeing it right that they recommend brushing the product on the reverse side of the lash? Like closing the eye and sweeping downward? Have I been applying mascara wrong all this time?
I try to send them snail mail the same or very next day. Though I've been known to send a few personal and one group ones, since in this industry you usually interview with like, fifteen people. Usually your boss, some coworkers, some people from other departments, your boss' boss...
One of them is "I'm not a subcriber, how about a gift subscription?" How tacky is that?
Very tacky.
I thank everybody, by email. Except for the last round of interviews, when I met with seven or eight people for one job in one day, five of whom were completely peripheral people I'd see maybe once a month; there was no possible way I could make myself grind out eight individual and charming thank-you emails to people who weren't even part of the hiring process, so I just thanked their supervisor but made sure to name-job-and-one-personal-detail-check each of them in that note. The entire process was so loathsome, I may have to stay here until I retire.
How-some-ever, loathsome though it may be, HUGE YAYS TO AIMS for rocking it! I'm vibing hard for you and that job.
Gorgeous cut, Stephanie! You look somehow simultaneously younger and more sophisticated. Neat trick for $20!
I find that a personal hand-written note goes a LONG way and can make the difference between two good candidates.
Well, it kind of depends on the industry, I think. I'm sure my company wouldn't care if a thank you was e- or snail-mailed. So whichever is more expedient is probably best.
Plus I have terrible handwriting. Nobody needs to be subjected to that.
(FTR, I think a thank you absolutely must be sent regardless of the method of transport!)
I got this job so fast I didn't have time for a thank you.
So tired. When will I learn that watchin Doctor Who right before bed assures that I will have strange wakeful dreams?
The entire process was so loathsome, I may have to stay here until I retire.
Indeed. I so envy all y'all who haven't had to go through this process in a decade or more!
I had a Sarah Jane Adventures dream last night. Very strange.
My co-worker who interviewed me for this job was just talking yesterday about how I'd made him come down and interview me at a diner near my old job (about 1/2 an hour from here). He is still amused by that. I was like, "I wanted to see if you were serious!" ha!
I've only seen most of the first episode of SJA-again right before bed.