Ok - I'm home frm school and work.
The interview went GREAT! I was in there for about an hour and laughing almost the whole time. I think...no, I *know* I would love working with them. The position s brand new - I'd get to make it my own.
I should here by end of next week, and if they offer it to me, I'm jumping all over it.
Thank you all so much for the ~~ma and the good thoughts!! Kepp your appendages crossed!!
sounds like HORROR.
so, I can't decide if I should make an effort to give my student assistant her graduation present. She was supposed to work this week after exams, I told her I was taking her out for a drink on her last day. I emailed her to find out when she was coming in, and she told me that she had decided to go home (45 minutes away), but might be in on Thursday. If she doesn't come in, I don't know if I want to chase her down to give her her present. And do I want to go through the effort of wrapping it?
The interview went GREAT! I was in there for about an hour and laughing almost the whole time. I think...no, I *know* I would love working with them. The position s brand new - I'd get to make it my own.
That's just great. I hope they do offer it to you, you've spent way too long working for the poster child for the self-absorbed.
now the ma~~~ is going stronger
to give my student assistant her graduation present.
what a good student assistant supervisor and person you are Vortex. I'd guess she's probably completely swamped with family stuff and moving home/wherever stuff and just omgwtf-ness. but she could be phoning it in the last week too - who knows. Only thing for sure, it's excellent of you to offer to take her out, much less the gift.
I'm really glad the interview went so well, Aims.
Yay for good interviews, Empress!
crosses fingers
Fantastic, Aimee! I'm so glad.
Aimee, I know you're going to get the job and I am counting the days down to when you get to leave self-absorbed asshat. And, exactly as others have said, he cared not one fucking iota when your sister needed you. And the latest slimeball thing with the internet and spyware? You need to be outta there. And you shall be! I am fulla glee for you.
Kristin, I am very happy to hear they're giving you good care. But I am outraged that a private school teacher has to forego PAY when she is in the hospital with pneumonia. Sorry, but that's a piss-poor policy. Firstly, like you haven't spent ENTIRE weekends and sometimes vacations working? Grading? Prepping? Answering student e-mail? It's an outrage that they require flexibility on your part, but allow you none when it comes to a very serious illness. I won't apologize for my rant. I am sick to death of hearing how many Americans go to work when they're sick and can't pay for healthcare when CEOs get 30 million dollar bonuses for failing companies.
Vortex, it's sweet and thoughtful of you to give her a prezzie, and I understand your irritation at her sudden bout of flakedom. But what Sox says; she may be overwhelmed with stuff right now. If you track her down and give her the prezzie, she'll be undoubtedly touched and think of you fondly. And maybe pass on the kindness to someone else in her life - maybe even someone who doesn't "deserve" it right then. :)
Steph, I think you oughta go sneeze a bid wad of goo onto your boss's arm. On accident, of course. And then smile and say, "oh, don't worry, it's a fake cold, so that's imaginary snot!"
Yay Aimee!
To cap off the stellar day I've had, I came home to a jury summons for Superior Court. Motherfucker.