GC could never be gross, old, and ugly! Nuh-uh.
So I just got off the phone with my human resources person at work. Looks like my leave time covers me through Thursday, but after that, every day I miss is unpaid. My illness is going to cost me money first because my work health benefits don't fully cover hospital stays and second because I'm too sick to go to work. Sigh. As it is, I have to fill out FMLA paperwork to ensure my job security. This whole serious illness thing? Do not want.
I miss public school where I got more days of sick time each year that actually rolled over from year to year. When I left Waterford, I had something like 90 unused sick days. The whole point was to help people in situations like this.
Coffee: but on the bright side, my department just sent me a bouquet of roses with a get well card. Aw!
Focus on getting better. And know that I'd totally donate my sick days to you if it were possible to do so outside the looniversity.
Kristin that totally blows. I hope something comes through for you. In the meantime, take care of yourself girl.
Mine goes off when the gas cap is loose.
me too. I went through a big hassle trying to get my car fixed only to find that it was the gas cap. I couldn't decide whether I was more annoyed or embarrassed.
It's annoying because even when the gas cap is tightned my car can take awhile before it will stop doing that.
And I have a tendancy to ignore it thinking it's the gas cap. So far I'm right but one day I'll be wrong. Why can't they just have a stupid Gas Cap icon to light up whenit's loose?
I ignored it once, for much longer than I should have. My power steering hose sprung a leak and the pump seized up. Let me tell you, that was an expensive way to find out you can't ignore the bugger just because it has the propensity to be something insignificant.
What is WRONG with the youth today? I saw a woman wearing a wrinkled, faded, black, knee length, cap sleeve black dress over a long sleeved mulberry tshirt with a pair of olive green pants!!!
What. the. fuck. Not just the trend of short sleeve over long sleeve, but dresses with pants. Bitch, wait for summer if it's too cold to wear the dress by itself.
Sounds like post-fashion.