I can barely remember my own kids ages! Well done, Team Amy.
Yeah, I feel we should eat earlier than 7. It was a compromise since after school sports usually go until 6 or so. It is a long full day for all of us. We all go to bed at 10 usually, although most of us read in bed. The day starts at 6:15. I tried to talk my son and my other car pool kid into becoming activists for a later school day start. They accused me of being a hippie. Seriously, you don't have to be an aging hippie to be an activist. Lazy teens.
Annabel just turned 4. She and Owen are only a few weeks apart, IIRC.
Em sees me naked quite often (well, when I'm getting dressed), as I did (and still do) my mother and sister. The women in my family have very few boundaries with each other. It's quite amusing to me.
And Mal just turned 3, didn't he? (OK, that was probably like, six months ago, and it's "just turned" in my brain, but)
Wowie zowie - I knew we had a bunch of sprog in that age group, but WOW. Thanks!!!
does that answer some sort of question about what one may or may not have been doing after eps of season five Angel?
Isn't Deena's Aidan 3-4ish?
I was going to say--Kara will be turning 7 this year, no? So Aidan has to be around...4?
Yes, Aidan has to be around 4.
Sox nails it! I mean, um ...
Re: nakedness in front of family members--I'm with Aims in how the women in my family consider nudity, as in no big deal amongst ourselves. I remember being in 8th grade and getting out of the shower with only my underwear on, leaning out of the bathroom and telling my (5-years-older) brother not to look down the hall while I went to my bedroom. I'd get out, he'd teasingly say, "I'm looking..." and I'd shriek and then run. It became a ritual. (I also got embarassed by pad/tampon commercials if he was watching tv with me.)
As a solo apartment dweller, I always leave the bathroom door open, and my cat is always there to check out/use her own litter box (also in the bathroom), jump up on the sink and explore or accept petting, or jump into the tub and sniff around. Otherwise, she just lays down in the hallway just outside the bathroom and watches me. Occasionally, she'll stake a seat on the folded-up bath towel I leave on the sink while I take a shower. The last time she did this, she meowed at me constantly while I was showering, apparently concerned about my mental health for deliberately getting wet.