As for brushing hair, my mom kept mine short. Pixie cut from the word go.
I have crazy-ass super-fine hair, and when I was 3, it was down to my waist (which, given how tall a 3-year-old is [or, rather, is NOT], isn't like an adult having waist-length hair).
Anybody else here have super-fine hair? Literally every morning when I brush it, the accompanying commentary is "Ow...ow...ow...FUCK!!! Ow...ow...owwwwww!" And that's regardless of if it's short or long(er).
So as a kid with waist-length hair that tended to get snarled up and knotted at the slightest provocation -- HELL NO, I didn't brush my own hair! And it was so traumatic when my mom brushed my hair (she's not known for having a lot of empathy, and would just YANK the brush through my hair -- it was awful, seriously).
Therefore, when Dorothy Hamill cut her hair into that cute wedgey thing, that's what I got, too.
If I could still get away with not brushing my own hair, I would. I actually know people who don't need to use conditioner when they wash their hair, and it always leaves me agog. I use not one, but two conditioners -- one in the shower, and then a leave-in conditioner once I'm out of the shower.
And that's really WAY more than anyone here wanted to know about my hair, but there you are.
I stand in solidarity with the lovely and spirited Em.
Anybody else here have super-fine hair? Literally every morning when I brush it, the accompanying commentary is "Ow...ow...ow...FUCK!!! Ow...ow...owwwwww!"
Yep. Not quite that bad, but my hair knots if you look at it funny.
Somewhere in the family attic there's a home movie of my brother and me taking a bath together. At a guess, I was about 3 or 4, which would have made my brother about 2. It embarrasses me enough to know that movie -- which will probably never be shown outside the family -- exists. National TV? Eek!
On the other hand, my mother started a hobby of writing children's books. And I was embarrassed that she based her stories on things that happened to my brother, me, or both while growing up. And I was past 20 by then. So, knowing my parents were paid to talk about what it was like to raise us? Eek. That way lies the Dionne Quintuplets' story.
Erin, I'm so sorry about the suckitude of your soon-to-be former employers.
Anybody else here have super-fine hair?
Yo - super-fine and wavy. Well, I do when I'm a) not dyeing it and b) not productizing the shit out of it and c) washing it more than once a week (I'll throw conditioner on more often, though). Since my mom is not skilled with hairstyling, I had short hair when I was 8. Much easier all around.
Yep. Not quite that bad, but my hair knots if you look at it funny.
I'm home sick, and I haven't brushed my hair yet today. I just felt the back of my head, and I think I may have proto-dreds going on. I have seriously fucked-up hair.
Yo - super-fine and wavy.
Heh. I forgot to mention that. The curls make the super-fine-ness even MORE fun. As does the fact that my hair is so thick that a family of field mice could camp out it in undetected for DAYS.
My hair is super fine, too. I have to use conditioner or it tangles so badly that it's unmanageable.
I have to use conditioner or it tangles so badly that it's unmanageable.
No More Tears shampoo? LYING LIARS.
Some people couldn't remember ever seeing their parents naked.
I’ve never seen my dad naked (thank god), but I did see my mom naked when I was little. And I suppose when she was changing or whatever.
so, when I get a cert letter that says I am hearby directed not to discuss this matter with students, faculty or staff, is this something they can legally order me to do? I do not recall signing any kind of confidentality agreement.
While I don’t think that they could order you to do that, doing so could jeapordize any severance or chance of being rehired. That said, if you’ve already discussed it with people, the horse has left the barn.
We are definitely a naked-in-front-of-the-kids household. Dillo and mr. flea had an adorable conversation the other morning that went pretty much:
Dillo: Penis!
mr. flea: Yes, that's my penis.
Dillo: Penis!
etc. for many more rounds.
I was raised that way too, pretty much, though I haven't seen my father naked since I was 12 and fell down the stairs in a very violent fashion and he jumped out of the shower to see who had been killed. My mother still goes topless at the nude beach, too. But when you are 35 and have lived on your own for 12 years, your opportunities for parental nudity are slim.