Well, there is Prom this Saturday (which, BTW, I organized -- did I mentioned I'm also co-founder and co-advisor of Student Council). I had PLANNED on going out with the staff afterwards, and missing my BF's bday party, but I am thinking of either (a) simply going to the BDAY party, (b) going for one drink and then leaving or (c) asking all my sympatheic teacher friends to go somewhere else.
Sigh. Probably B, cause I don't want to cause trouble for them.
Oh, also the rest of the time I will be at school (tomorrow, Th, F and M?) I plan on being dressed to kill. No, not literally, MM, although it's too, too tempting.
He's adorable, vw! I love those long christening dresses and sorta wanted one for Annabel, but since we just had her blessed instead of baptized, it felt like overkill.
Oh, goodness. He was SO cute! And the gown was just gorgeous. His Nana made it. I think the satin is left over from my SIL's wedding dress. I was a little curious about them putting him in a gown, but when I saw him in it, I just died. It was too perfect.
(We did the blessing because of my background/beliefs--you can take the girl out of the Baptist church, but you can't take the Baptist church out of the girl.)
I totally get that. You should see how most of my extended family is FLIPPING out over this. It's been a little ridiculous. I have no idea what I'll do...but, I really did love the service and the gown and the hoopla celebration over the whole thing. It was so neat. And my brother and SIL did something that really touched me.
Right after Cooper was born, I made them a parenting mix CD (some may remember I asked about songs for it here in Bitche3s). I never heard a word about it. I asked my brother if they got it, and he said they did, but they hadn't gotten a chance to listen to it. Well, I figured that they figured it wasn't their kind of music and never listened to it.
Well, one of the songs at the baptism (their octet, Octarium, did all of the music) was a transcription/arrangement of one of the songs on the CD, and the words in the beginning of the program were another one of the songs. They never said anything to me because they knew they wouldn't be able to keep the surprise that they were going to use one of the songs in the baptism. I bawled like a baby.
TC. We honestly don't talk to T leC that much.
Neither do I. None of us did, unless we were gaming.
I figured it was TC. Actually, even though he's being a stupid annoying idiot, I'm amused that you guys still talk to him all the time. I need to get ahold of the guy, since I haven't talked to him in a while.
Not today, though.
Or perhaps right now would be a good time to call him.
Actually, I think he's probably passed out by now.
the students are going to be really upset.
This is the first thing I thought. Somebody is a giant fucking idiot for letting Erin go.
I'm amused that you guys still talk to him all the time.
I don't talk to him all that much. Don't know if Joe does, though. I didn't think so, but maybe.
Actually, I think he's probably passed out by now.
That's why I'm thinking this very minute would be a great time to call him.
The TC who sometimes posts here? Because...if so...this could get awkward fast.
I totally get that. You should see how most of my extended family is FLIPPING out over this. It's been a little ridiculous. I have no idea what I'll do...but, I really did love the service and the gown and the hoopla celebration over the whole thing.
Oh, I can totally believe the flipping out! I'm just happy that DH's Catholic relatives are sufficiently lapsed to not be bothered that Annabel hasn't been baptized!
That's so cool how they used the songs from your CD.