So sorry, Erin.
Fay, I've also got PCOS, and the hair loss has me worried, though so far, I don't seem to be actually losing any. I haven't really heard anything that helps, other than that vitamins and taking birth control pills and the other treatment options for PCOS might.
The link claims that it is not just low carb but any weight loss, but I'm not so sure - sounds like a rationalization to me. At any rate vitamins won't neccesarily stop it while weight loss continues. The claim is that if you stick with low-carb until you reach goal weight and then go on low-carb maintenance your hair grows back. I'd look into it further before taking anyone's word for that part.
Ah, maybe. I've heard mutterings of this before, although people I know who have successfully shifted a lot of weight through low carb have mostly found their hair got thicker, rather than the other way round. Most doctors seem to recommend low carb as the best approach for people with PCOS who are trying to shift weight.
And I'd invest in new cookware , Hil. just not the cast iron.
I'm considering it. But pretty much what I need is just one pan, and I can get that fairly cheap. I'm now considering Queer As Folk DVDs, which certain fall toward the non-responsible side of the spectrum, but I figure it's a pretty good deal in terms of hours of entertainment per dollar. It's down to that or sewing machine.
Hil, Brother is a good, economical brand of sewing machine, that just happens to be available through Amazon. One word of advice, if you have any desire to try quilting, get a model with a walking foot. I say this, because when I was looking for my sewing machine, I decided to go with a really basic model that did not include the walking foot, on the grounds that I did not know if I would be using the machine for quilting, and could always get a walking foot from a dealer. I started looking for a walking foot in this area back in December, and still have yet to score one. Of course, the fact that I live in a small town and you live in a major metropolitan area may produce vastly different results.
Erin, that sucks so much for you.
Oh, Erin, that fucking sucks. I am so sorry.
I cannot believe that anyone wouldn't renew the contract of a dedicated, creative teacher like you.
And this. So very much this.
Dammit, Erin, that's shitty news and shitty timing, and... just... you sound like such a great teacher, passionate and deeply connected to your subject and your kids, and I can't believe that the school lucky enough to have you wouldn't pounce on the chance to keep you. I can't
that. I'm sorry and rageful.
Erin - that's just sucky. I'm so sorry.
And, saving my petty pain for a separate post...
I have a row of bad paper cuts across my upper lip where my daughter hit me with a book. It was accidental. Mostly. I'd told Annabel she was only getting one story tonight because it was already a bit past her bedtime. I finished the first book she requested, and then she reached over and grabbed one of her new birthday books and asked me to read it too. I said no, we'd said one book tonight, and she got angry and sort of flailed out her arms, book still in hand, and it caught me hard across the mouth and nose. The corner of the book, a brand new sturdy paperback with extremely crisp pages, caught my lip, hence paper cuts.
Owww, it stings...