Fay, unless there's female pattern baldness in your family I don't think you need to worry too much.
Hair does thin out as people get older. I think you're just used to it being So Thick that it's frightening that it's getting towards the median. But unless you have actual bald patches it's probably just normal attrition.
Didn't a very similar
conversation happen here recently?
Aren't prenatal vitamins supposed to make your hair super?
Fay, unless there's female pattern baldness in your family I don't think you need to worry too much.
Hair does thin out as people get older. I think you're just used to it being So Thick that it's frightening that it's getting towards the median. But unless you have actual bald patches it's probably just normal attrition.
I have polycystic ovary syndrome, David, which is associated with, among other things, hair loss of variable severity. Six years ago I
used to it being Super thick. Now I've got used to it being worryingly unthick, but at least it's not been
falling out
any more.
But now, I'm moulting again. Noticably - other people have commented. Strands are coming out in my hands, as they were doing some six years ago.
My mother lost pretty much ALL her hair a while ago, and had to wear wigs 24/7, but after spending a year or so working with a GP who was also an alternative therapist, and who gave her prescriptions for cures based on Chinese remedies (because the hospitals were bloody useless), the hair eventually grew back. White, but it grew back. (She promptly dyed it red again.) I went to that same guy when my hair began to thin (dramatically - it's less than half the thickness it used to be, and this change occurred over the period of maybe a year) it stabilised, and even got a little thicker. I never got to actual bald patches, thank fuck, but I am certainly not so cocky as to assume that can't be on the cards. And since I'm back to moulting pretty dramatically again - only with less than half the hair I started off with, at this point - I'm understandably a little concerned.
my teaching contract for next year has not been renewed. I get this news 1 week before surgery.
Yeah, pretty much my reaction.
I am bitter like whoa.
OMG, Erin. That sucks ASS. I am so so sorry. And with surgery! Would suck anyway, but DAMN!
and for Fay, I'd add some vitamins - low carb might mean you are missing some essential vitamins. and you maybe more vulnerable to the missing vitamins because of the PCOS
I just did a google on "low carb" & "hair loss" based on a hunch inspired by beth b's post. Turns out low carb can cause hair loss. [link]
The link claims that it is not just low carb but any weight loss, but I'm not so sure - sounds like a rationalization to me. At any rate vitamins won't neccesarily stop it while weight loss continues. The claim is that if you stick with low-carb until you reach goal weight and then go on low-carb maintenance your hair grows back. I'd look into it further before taking anyone's word for that part.