Thanks, everyone. I put a call into the Upper School Division Head, so she's going to call me to talk about my options. We don't have a sick bank pool, unfortunately, and I don't get vacation time other than the already generous school year vacations. I think I have one day left. I am going to talk to Kim about taking tomorrow and possibly Wednesday off.
I just got off the phone with my doctor, who says that the chest xray confirms pneumonia in two lobes of my right lung (which I could have told her--I can feel that it's on that side). She thinks this strain my be resistant to the first antibiotic she gave me, so she's starting me on a second antibiotic tomorrow. All I can tell you is that I still feel lousy, and I don't think I could physically handle school tomorrow regardless.
{{{KT}}} Take care of yourself, lady.
Kristin - my guess is that they want you to be able to teach long term, and will figure out a way to give you the rest you need now. Feel better.
Hmm, all this talk of hair coloring makes me want to play with my color again. But I do like my darker brown now that it's toned down a bit. That said, the greys are starting to peek out at me, might be time to color it anyways.
Kristin, you can't work with pneumonia, I'm sure your principal must know that.
Kristin, listen to the hivemind.
My uncle landed in the hospital for 10 days last year with pneumonia. And add to that his absence of health insurance (he quit his well-paying job to go back to college and graduates next month!), and it was a $30k illness.
You can't work with pneumonia. Are you salaried? If so, you stay home and they can't doc ya. Although now that I think about it, you have a teacher's union right? Or does that change with private schools?
Damn. Don't answer any of my questions - I am far too curious and you need and deserve rest. I am SO sorry that you are so sick.
Thanks!! I hope so. They received over 100 resumes and I was already on the list before I called! She said I must have read her mind!
I am so excited for you!
Ooof. So, last week, we had a trainer who was pretty good, really, about the fact that we were all very experienced and didn't want to have to get the super basic parts of the training. Just the "how do we do it differently here than at some places".
This week, a different trainer. And OMG, my class may kill her before we're done. YEEESH. Of course, the trainer from last week told her we're very vocal and interactive....and then we were so annoyed by teh new woman that we sat there and stonily stared at her all morning. Eesh.
Kristin, please do not overtax yourself with pneumonia. I know this may mean unpaid leave, but...'s pneumonia.
Much interview~ma for you, Aims! You asshat boss needs to see how much harder his life will be without you...
Betsy had pneumonia a couple of years ago, I think, and it's no joke.