Aims, good luck in the interview. It does sound promising.
So I'm freaking out a bit. I honestly don't know how I'm going to survive a full day of work sandwiched by a commute tomorrow. I still feel like crap and am coughing constantly, and I get tired when I walk across the room. But I'm out of sick days, and I don't know what else to do.
Sparky is a weevil!
Torchwood or Veronica Mars?
Eta: {{Kristin}} Pneumonia should reset your sick days to the yearly maximum.
{{{Kristin}}} Oof. Is there anyway you can take the day unpaid?
they can't make you work with pneumonia
I don't know. I'm going to wait to hear from my doctor about the chest x-ray and go from there. It's not that they would make me come in--I'm sure I could stay home without pay--but I can't really afford to do that. Ftr, I HATE pneumonia.
Kristin, remember when vw was sick with all diseases known to man? I seem to recall you gave her some darn good advice about taking care of herself. ijs.
nothing in comparison with the guy who locked his daughter up. but still, all I can say is jeebus, lady.
seriously, stay home Kristin. A week without pay is cheaper than a month in the hospital . And if it works out - you 'll only miss a day or two