I therefore entrust all things tonsorial, including color, to my stylist, who actually knows what she's doing, unlike me, who knows FUCK ALL about hair color.
I got all my hair coloring mishaps out of the way in high school. It was awesome. By the time I went to a colorist, I already knew my hair inside out and backwards.
So can I get a henna that won't do that? And how is it on greys? I don't have a lot but they are all in front.
I had a great stylist in high school, her name was actually Amy Barber. But one day she was gone and the salon wouldn't say where she went.
So can I get a henna that won't do that? And how is it on greys? I don't have a lot but they are all in front.
Nope. Henna will do red. As my usual goal for my hair is, in fact, red, henna works well for me. My greys come out copperish, and the rest is a bright, deep auburn. [link] or [link]
You can do henna and indigo mixes that will give you a brown, but getting the mix right is tricky. (You can do henna and then indigo for black, which is what Jilli does.)
What do you get if you do just indigo, no henna?
Light Mountain Henna comes in quite a few shades. I really liked the red but it did give me unintended birthmarks and the one time my girlfriend helped me out she ended up with orange fingernails for a month.
Right, but if you look at the side, the shades are an herbal mix. Cassia + henna in the lighter shades, indigo + henna in the darker shades. And the problem is, what gets good dye release with henna isn't the best for indigo (cassia has little to no color, and mainly dilutes the henna, and as I recall, cassia's mixed up the same as you would henna anyhow), so the darker shades are kind of a wash.
Dingy greyish blue?
Check. I don't know why, but I needed to complete that little Venn diagram in my head.
My Boss is a total dillweed and I'd love to get the eff out of here? Prolly not, huh?
I dunno. Sometimes honesty actually works.
Henna rocks. And the brand I use gives me two shades that I mix together to create excellent red/gold highlights where my fortunately sprinkled grey resides. Thankfully, my old lady hair is greying in interesting patterns so the highlights look like I planned them that way.
The henna coating also gives my dark brown, flyaway hair a nice shine and texture.
The glop is unfun, but it's relatively easy to do...wrap up with some plastic wrap and voila, an hour later, highlights!
Not sure what I will do when the grey outnumbers the brown.