These are the biodegradable bags I've seen. [link] .
I'm very amused by a web site that uses the phrase:
"Shit, what more do you want?"
in their copy.
And yeah, I want to know more about them. How soon does it start breaking down after contact with moisture and bacteria, because most of those can be found in normal kitchen trash. A bag that starts breaking down before it gets to the landfill does me no good.
I'm kind of hoping that the "food shortages" and the likely media hysteria-building surrounding them push the ethanol conversation open again. It's kind of interesting that the corn mania flipped us into crisis mode so quickly and transparently - usually I think the consequences of our bad decisions are less obvious, and thus harder to fix.
On the plastic bag angle, to my [slim] knowledge, unlike ethanol it isn't a situation where there are easily obtainable and clearly superior alternatives, so the use of corn doesn't bother me as much.
I would like to know more about the moisture issue. It's obviously not such a problem with dog bags, since the turnaround from use to disposal is about two minutes, not two weeks hanging on the back of the door.
I'm very amused by a web site that uses the phrase: "Shit, what more do you want?" in their copy.
This [link] is probably my favorite description on their website. With this [link] as a close second.
This [link] is probably my favorite description on their website.
"Dude, you TOTALLY need a can of fake duck."
They also sell chocolate hemp milk, which totally cracks me up.
Recycling related: Yesterday NW DC had a electronics/hazardous waste collection site set up and they expected 1800 cars. There were apparently 700 in line 2 hours before it opened. The neighborhood is now planning on organizing "Toxic Taxis" to regularly take things to the centers for people rather than waiting for the city. It'll be interesting to see if it works.
I ended up buying the dog a new crate while out because she can no longer hold her head up while standing in her puppy crate. She's pointedly ignoring it, but I'd like her to get used to the idea that it's her room before she goes to stay with my parents next week.
I've got a bunch of old electronics stuff I need to get rid of. Need to figure out where the centers are.
I'm in the camp of Reusable Grocery Bags/Totes, Yay! But also in the camp of Have Two Dogs, Need Bags For Poop When We Go On A W-A-L-K.
ION, remember the links I posted to the cool-ass steampunk jewelry? And how I said that if I bought any of it, The Boy would say he could make it?
We were at a fetish-y event this weekend, and one of the vendors was a jewelry designer -- The Boy bought me this: [link]
(And then later, said, "We get machine parts like that at work ALL THE TIME -- I could totally make that!" All I could do was laugh and laugh and then show him the post I made predicting that he'd say that.)
Anyway -- shiny! Steampunk-esque! I loves it.
Very Cool Teppy!
While in Brooklyn on Friday, something in the angle of the light, the caveiness of the bridge we were walking under, and the sound of having an elevated train go overhead did something to our group and the following conversation happened - which still cracks me up:
"This is like the opening of a novel..."
"where people are living under a bridge?"
"No! more like passing through on their way somewhere, wearing Victorian clothes and carrying laptops."
(so I had to chime in) "Passing through on Segways? Or, velocipedes?"
"Oh wow! Totally Segways! With the ribbons from those little hats streaming behind them! Cool! Yeah! Like that! What's a velocipede?"
... all of this, before we got to the bar.