We find that Trader Joes is very good about using the canvas bags, and the regular groceries like Safeway are hit/miss. My biggest problem lately is that my DH likes to use the canvas bags for other things lately and the best ones are never available for groceries.
Best = good handles, not too large, not too small, etc.
I'm considering the farmer's market this a.m. They ban the dog, so I could only shop the edges, but I haven't been lately and I'd like to see if there's anything I find inspiring for the garden. I would really like a crepe myrtle.
Sparky, you can get a hot pink baggu--my DH tends to leave mine alone.
Hot pink wouldn't stop my DH -- w/r/t color his motto seems to be the clashier the better.
Hi everyone. I'm feeling a little down. My temp this morning was still 101.5. This can't be good for me. I'm going to call the doctor later today to see what I should do.
Sorry to mope and run.
{{{Kristin}}} Calling the doctor is probably a good idea. Make sure you're drinking plenty of liquids.
The baggus look nice. I like the shape of them, but I think I need something a little smaller. I don't think I could lift that bag if it was full.
I have a couple of Chico bags (I got one at your Co-op, Sparky) that are similar to the baggus, it sounds like. They're only drawback is that they are currently full of the last things I bought with them. I need self-emptying bags that will fold themselves up and tuck themselves into my purse or jacket pocket.
Piano movers have already come, woo!
there are also these from Paper Studios :http://www.paperstudio.com/catalog2.php?category=Envirosax
feel better Kristin! Hope you find the crepe myrtle Sparky.
It's not shoplifting until you try to exit the store without paying, right?
Yes, I believe you have to be leaving the store to be stopped for shoplifting.
I usually bag myself (except in TJ's where they know how to bag properly), since it's generally faster and then I get to decide what goes where, weight distribution, etc. Although, since now stores here have to use paper bags, that's not as much of an issue and you don't have the 2-items-per-bag syndrome anymore.
I hate when I forget my own bags though.
My local Raley's is pretty good about bagging, though of late I have been doing the self-service checkout whenever possible and thus doing my own bagging. In the great last-minute search for matzoh I bought a few things at a Safeway one town over and got everything individually bagged in plastic bags. I hadn't seen that since coming to California.