My groupmates are dead. As soon as I get back to Boston, they're all dead.
ION, my bro and SIL are muy talented, and I'm so glad I got to see their group perform tonight.
I'm going to bed. Even though I promised shit to my group before I went to bed. It's too late, and there's stuff missing, and I've had it with them all.
someone peel me from the intertubes. I'm having delusions of home ownership. Thinking about a Monolithic Dome, with a wind generator. Of course, I can't afford the land to build it on, not to mention the dome or wind catcher.
Growing up out in the hinterlands of desert, I knew a few people with geodesic dome homes. They were pretty nifty, actually.
Half-faded insomnia makes for unhelpful posts.
What in the fucking fuck? There is that white shit on the ground again. I think I may go insane.
vw, I'm sorry to hear about your group. That sucks.
Oh, ugh, WindSparrow. Yuck. Although, it got to like 32 degrees here in Kansas last night, which was just ridiculous. I didn't bring clothes (or a coat!) for that kind of weather!
And thanks for the sympathy. Gonna try to deal with it now, so I can go enjoy my family later. Yup. I got like 5 hours of sleep...which for most people is fine. It's about half of what I need to function. And I didn't get enough the night before either.
It's freezing here. I just had to turn the heat on, and my hands are still all stiff from taking the dog out. Bleh.
Jeez. Fox news is on, and I'm getting commentary from my SIL's mom. It's so fun!
vw, let me know if you need an alibi today.
(((WS))) I'm sorry about the white stuff so late in the season.
Those wind turbines are extremely cool. And I am always pro-dome.
Warming hug {{freezing Bitches}}