ND, that's great! A little acknowledgement goes a long way.
I remember having chicken pox, vaguely. I think I gave it to both my brothers. Fortunately, they chose not to share their measles with me. Especially Mike, who ran a 106 degree fever. Scared the piss out of my folks.
Both my kids had chicken pox very young, 18 months and six months. I was a little pissed. My NSDexH and I went to his sister's wedding. In Ohio. From Arizona. His niece and nephew were recovering, but staying somewhere different from us. I told NSDexH not to expose the kids by taking them over there. He did not listen. While I was not averse to the kids getting chicken pox, they didn't need to get it while we were on a 2400 mile road trip! I'm still a little grrr about that.