"When someone is IN love, he or she is usually completely focused on that one love object. So the answer to your question is no."
What was this in response to? It sounds like the priest who told my sister and brother-in-law in pre-cana counseling that it didn't seem like they were in love because they were realistic about how marriage works. @@
Serial to add:
{{{{{Sean and S}}}}
it's the last letter at the bottom of the page. Dear Abby
Sounds like "IN love"="obsession".
I've always been annoyed with the phrase "You're not in love with him/her, you only think you are." How the else do you tell if you're in love with someone unless you think you are? Is there an objective test? My mother used that line on me, and while I know now the guy I was with was a moron, I was still completely focused on him. So either I was in love or I was stupidly obsessed.
I've been in love with a moron so I can confirm it is indeed possible
there is a fine line between those things.
a fine line between love and obsession? I think the process of falling in love includes obsession and then as you continue the relationship the obsession fades.
well, so they say. I only know that because that's what people tell me. Personally, have never been with anyone long enough.
Holy fucking shit.
I know one of these men: [link] And this is the same fucking church that covered up shit that happened to me.
I hope prosecution is brought against the church. Hell, maybe it's time to come forward.