vw, that's awesome news! You totally deserve ... something. I don't know what, but that's great.
I'm home! I really wish Joe was here but it's so nice to be home. I woke up in my own bed this morning and was a little confused.
Hey, I could check this myself, and I might, but are there any TOrchwood peeps here who could give me the short and sweet back story on Capt. Jack. I'm not a Who fan, but I'm enjoying Torchwood so far.
Capt Jack said
he was was a time agent who got screwed over by the agency so he became a freelance scam artist.
I'm not sure how he got hooked up with Torchwood but
it was Rose on Doctor Who bringing him back to life that made him immortal.
Dear Tenant:
You have signed the lease. This means you are responsible for this apartment for the next 12 months. I could care less what your kids think of the place. You signed a lease.
No love,
Aimee, do you have a duty to mitigate your losses (i.e try to find another tenant) in Michigan?
eta: Thanks, Laga. I hate starting something in the middle, or when I know there is more to the story, but I just don't like DW enough to wade through it all to find the bit I want.
eta2: And, I forgot to say, regardless of any legal mumbo jumbo, I'm sorry you have to deal with so many annoying people. Poor Aimee gets it from both sides.
Fellow Mike Rowe-ians, we're not alone.
edit: That's from the Post Secret site
vw, that's awesome news! You totally deserve ... something. I don't know what, but that's great.
I'm buying myself an iTouch :).
Edited because my even after finishing my thesis, my fingers don't seem to know the difference between and and an.
Aimee, do you have a duty to mitigate your losses (i.e try to find another tenant) in Michigan?
We do. It just cracks me up because she literally signed this lease Friday and paid the majority of her move in money already.
Aimee, yeah, people are crazy!
vw, an iTouch is a perfect reward! Are you going to get in engraved?
Some of those people need help in the worst way, Connie.
Not for having bunkworthy thoughts about a man so eager to get dirty(I've been known to blush, which is ridiculous. But not as ridiculous as blushing during *election coverage* when Keith works his big, sexy brain.) Or Special Comments, which are just...guh.(he'd love me, cause I'm funny and articulate. Right)
But some of that shit kinda worries me.
Maybe I don't know anything; I'm only scoring if I'm home alone.
I should probably think of that as my heterosexuality going into test mode, in case I ever need to use it again.
But I guess I'm not gay yet.
I'm having a cupcake for breakfast.