To which I laugh. I'm getting a TEACHING DEGREE you omron
Oh the irony of the misspelled word. What can I say, it's the little things that make me laugh.
Yes, he is crazy. If you are that valuable, then demand a big fat raise. I think you need an outline of "what are my typical hours", and maybe you need to outline how long it takes you to accomplish the tasks that he says are required, and base a rate on that. And yes, if you work an extra day here or there, or extra hours here, then you need compensation time, to be fair. Whether its legal or not, its just good practice.
I'm getting a TEACHING DEGREE you omron
Nah. Misspelled on purpose. Joe likes "omron". Kind of like "teh" and "wrod".
wow, I think my brain is tired. I saw this headline in GoogleNews page, but my brain substituted an "i" for the first "a". Which totally changes the meaning of it. :: Must leave theater ::
ETA: oops, so tired, forgot the link:
Gaaah!!! Where is my darn UPS shipment???
Held up by the fix-it guy I need to change my locks because I lost my keys? Where is my new lock and key???
::returns from omnis's link::
Oh, my, yes, that "i" does change the meaning of the headline rather drastically, doesn't it? Especially since it's about a just-completed study on a bunch of mice. I'd hate to be an assistant in that lab.
Especially since it's about a just-completed study on a bunch of mice. I'd hate to be an assistant in that lab.
I'd hate to be a *mouse* in that lab.
t pathetic face
any DC-istas who could give a poor car-less Jew a ride to Koshermart [link] either this Sunday or next? Or, if not a ride all the way from DC, then at least a ride from the Metro station and back? I'll treat you to falafel... (and/or pay for gas, of course)
t /pathetic face
Were I still in DC, I would, Hil...if I still worked where I used to, we were very close to Koshermart.
Especially since it's about a just-completed study on a bunch of mice. I'd hate to be an assistant in that lab.
I'd hate to be a *mouse* in that lab.
OMG, I just laughed OUT LOUD in a rehearsal, dark theater... TEARS IN EYES!!! imagining the look on that poor mouses face seeing a gloved hand of a Lab Tech coming towards it (I see it from the mouse POV with a fish eye lense and dramatic lighting). OMG. TOO FUNNY.
and yes, i did get some strange looks. Especially since the scene they are working on is how one couple is showing off sonagram pics only to learn other couple just lost a baby... not a LOL moment. oops.
It has now been more than 8 hours since the guy who said he would buy the Lumina van said he wanted it and wold be here today to get it and pay me. Am I wrong for calling him a few minutes ago and leaving the message "What's the holdup?" on his voicemail?