"My girlfriend has worked for 2 1/2 years and not taken a single sick or personal day." "I work 11+ hours a day and can't take personal days."
"My girlfriend has a job where she has to dress like a fairy penguin every day. So you should too, because, um... just because."
"I work 11+ hours a day and can't take personal days."
That's because it's YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, ASSFACE! You can't expect an employee to put as much time and energy into YOUR business as you do. If you do, give them half the profits. If you can find any after you fuck around with your stupid cashflow, Doofus.
People do not work at places where they can't take personal or sick days. They just don't.
Damn, I want a Craft Lite Cutter.
Dude. That's whack. I mean, does he give you vacation and sick time, and not expect you to take it? Or does he not give you any, and really think that's...feasible?
He may work 11 hour days, but didn't you also say he didn't want you to take off the other day because he was at a BASEBALL game???? WTF dude?
On a separate note: If I get in the shower, that means the UPS man will arrive, correct?
On a separate note: If I get in the shower, that means the UPS man will arrive, correct?
Yes. Unless you figure out some scheme to be able to get to the door anyway....
Eh, my buzzer doesn't work, so I'm not even sure I'll know (I put up a sign asking them to call my number, but I'm not sure they'll DO that, y'know?). Grrr.
On a good note, the new boss sent me a whole email full of things to do and numbers to call and forms to fill out, so that'll be good.
On a separate note: If I get in the shower, that means the UPS man will arrive, correct?
If I go to the bank 1/2 block from my door, guy who is buying Lumina van will visit my house to give me my money transfer title.
Just gave a talk at the grad student seminar. This is the third or fourth time I've given this talk, revising it each time based on comments people made and questions they asked, and this is the first time it seems like people actually understood it. Yay for getting the pictures in my head to make sense in other people's heads! (Turns out, it helps a lot to actually literally draw the pictures.)
Which also means that this talk is getting close to being ready to present at actual conferences, not just seminars. Yikes.
Of course I got the "My girlfriend has worked for 2 1/2 years and not taken a single sick or personal day."
Does she have a small child? If so, does she hate her small child?
I am not allowed to take personal days and if I feel that I need to be in a job where I can take personal days, then I need to find another job.
WTF? He needs to pull his cold, black heart out of his ass. Fuck him.
"My girlfriend has worked for 2 1/2 years and not taken a single sick or personal day."
You're not his girlfriend. Thank the sweet baby Jesus.
"I work 11+ hours a day and can't take personal days."
Jackhole. He owns the business. That's the plan he signed up for. You're an employee. You didn't. Why give you personal/sick days if you can't use them?
Empress, you are going to tell that pompous greedy dingleberry of a boss that if you can't have personal days, he can't have Saturdays or Sundays. No exceptions. Slavery was fucking outlawed more than a hundred years ago.
Find a new job. ASAP.
Fuck him and the horse he rode in on. May his eensy weensy little dick be crushed by the falling bucket of a front loader, and may the city fine him hundreds of thousands of dollars and brand him a slumlord. I hope his real estate speculation comes back to bite him hard on his flabby, pasty white ass. All of this will only happen once you've found a new job, of course.
Aimee - I think you're best revenge will be the new, excellent job that I'm sure you will find. Everyone is allowed to take personal days. There are laws.