Is the dead guy in your head a real historical person?
Yeah, actually, though writing him in an alternative reality kinda blurs the line a bit. I still try to be fair to the real person and the life he lived before my world took a different fork in the road, but I don't worry too much over whether he would've really done X, Y, or Z, because I've put him in a strange situation, and who knows what he would've done?
Add in Poster Child to Gifted Child...good times. Like a thing that is not.
My current writing hero wrote his first book in his thirties. In between getting stoned and selling appliances(often at the same time.)
Now he is very best-selling and Emmy nominated and a producer, but I'm sure Papou and Yiayia shook their heads over him many nights.
I LOVE that story.
I'm sorry if I added to your feeling uncomfortable lat night, SJ. Not my intention at ALL.
Hey, Scrappy. I watched one of your friend's SFU yesterday. Gay paintball! Mama Fisher kissing Dwight.
who knows what he would've done?
have you ruled out the possibility that his spirit can actually contact you?
You sound threatening. Did you miss the part where I asked if you have a newsletter?
Who has time to write a newsletter?
I think in this case an exorcism wouldn't be going too far. I do know where to get bundles of sage.
Sage smoke. Or walking around the apartment with a bowl of salt water, visualizing the negative energy being absorbed by the water. Then pour the water down the sink or flush it down the toilet.
To be fair, love, I think you've come as far towards achieving that dream as is humanly possible. At least for anyone who's more interested in the associated gothly aesthetics, rather than in the whole bloodletting side of things.
Yeah, but my 13 year old self REALLY liked the idea of immortality. And being able to mesmerize people to do my bidding.
(Okay, fine, I still like those ideas. I'm a traditionalist.)
Aimee and Joe,
turns on hypnowheel
Listen to the nice sound designer! He's got the right idea!
Scrappy, no one here added to anything. I didn't mean to give that impression. I was just getting myself worked up about things that really have nothing to do with here or anyone here. I just felt I was taking it out on people here, which I don't want to do.
I wanted to do jedi mind tricks.
If I were a better dresser I'd have gone into PR.
have you ruled out the possibility that his spirit can actually contact you?
Pretty much, yeah. If I was talking to the real guy, I wouldn't have so many annoying research blanks to fill in, for starters!
If I was talking to the real guy, I wouldn't have so many annoying research blanks to fill in, for starters!
Maybe he likes making you work.