I am more enamored with my cat every damn day. How does that work? Shouldn't she be boring me? I've had her for going on 5 years now -- shouldn't we be having a little chat about needing our own space by now?
I know!!
On the 18th, Bartleby has been with me for 6 years...I can count the bad moments (not related to health) on one hand. He is such a joy.
So much so, I've been doing some self-hypnosis stuff (after being reminded of how much I like it by Paul McKenna) which requires an anchor moment that elevates your spirits. My moment? Watching Bartleby running through the park with his best friend Bob. The two of them are joy in a bottle.
Sigh. I love my boy.
Tucker can actually mesmorize people into making scrambled eggs for her.
You only brought a cup of food with you for the whole weekend! Tuck would have starved to DEATH without those eggs.
My puppy has not perfected the pitiful look, or the not-so-subtle lies. If she sees that the kitchen has chicken, beef or bananas, she will sit and stare waiting for her share. She will wait patiently for approximately 0.25 seconds, and then begin her beagle bark of "HERE I AM I AM WAITING I AM SITTING GIMME GIMME GIMME P.S. I'M CUTE!"
Sassy does not need petty lies or to lower herself to the level of 'precious moments' eyes to get what she wants. That little girl is entitled dammit.
I am more enamored with my cat every damn day. How does that work? Shouldn't she be boring me? I've had her for going on 5 years now -- shouldn't we be having a little chat about needing our own space by now?
Pets have a way of worming their way deeper and deeper into your affections. I think it's instinct.
I don't know why I did it.
I Hate My Phone
Holy moley, I am sleepy. I went on a crazy re-org of my desk area and it tuckered me right out. It's also dark and cloudy and foreboding outside.
I am also increasingly enamoured of my Taz, but he's still new, so that's to be expected. However, he is SUPER cute and smart and awesome and sweet.
Tom got himself an LJ account so I had to go back and lock down a few entries... eek!
You only brought a cup of food with you for the whole weekend!
not true - we left with a whole case full. It was just on the top of the car. Tucker probably put it there, come to think of it.
I Hate My Phone
If that were to get printed out and hung on a wall in a certain Utah tech support center, would you mind?