My father's parents were/are Grandma and Poppa. My grandma is still alive, but all other grandparents are dead. My mother's father died before my parents even got married, and her mom was Nana [last name]. But that's all anectodal because she died when I was wee as well. Poppa died when I was 18. I miss him.
For my sister's kids, my parents immediately claimed Nana and Poppa as monikers. My BIL has 2 sets of parents, and I forget how they work that out. I think it's just Grandma and Grandpa [whatever last name is appropriate].
I should go to bed but I don't wanna.
I hope your folks know that she's just lashing out at herself, but using them as a weapon.
that makes sense
My current plan is to use the no-cook noodles and a preponderance of sauce
Drive-by photo-post.
Cass & Jilli at the Vampire Ball -
P.S. to Kristin; there's a shot of Elana with a great caption a few photos further along.
Ha! That is a great caption.
My mother's mother was Gram. My father's mother was referred to as "Farmer Granny" (made sense, she owned and ran a farm) in conversation, and addressed as Gramma. I knew (briefly) my father's stepfather as Grampa Lastname. Never knew my mother's father nor her stepfather.
Laga. I am more sorry that your sister is pulling this crap than I was sorry to hear about all the crap her husband had pulled. Crap, crap, crap. For your family's harmony, it is probably well and good that I shall never be anywhere near her. This kind of placing responsibility for one's own life onto other people is a hot-button issue with me, and I would so not have the self-control to mind my own business. In my book it is vampiric behavior, and I am furious on your parents' behalf.
Cass & Jilli at the Vampire Ball
I hope they asked permission to snap those ;)
Hey, so there I was doing dishes with the Crossroads Guitar Festival 2007 playing on the TV jamming. Jeff Beck comes up to play, and a bass solo ensues. I step out of the kitchen wondering who the heck is that? To my surprise a young lady is JAMMIN' like a mo-fo on the bass. I sat down to watch, dishes be damned. Anyone else hear of Tal Wilkenfeld? I just downloaded her only solo work from iTunes. I was impressed from the kitchen on crappy TV speakers. To learn she is only 21 and playing bass for like 3 or 4 years! Paint me impressed!
OK, back to dishes. Plus, God is playing now. Must listen.
I love the pictures of Frisco and his dad.
Remember my two college friends whose brothers had cancer? One died. There's a nice column about him [link] I wish I knew what to say. I wish I could actually *do* something, but she's in Dallas and I am not. A card seems so completely useless.
o_a we took your advice and went out and listened to Tal on the web - 21? Imagine where she can go ...
I find the Grandma [LastName] thing so odd--like, very formal. Do other people not feel that way?
Meemaw and Peepaw; Mamaw and Pappaw
I definitely feel like a lot of people I knew back home had grandparents with names like these--is it an Indiana thing? A southern thing? An appalachian thing?
Now I want to see pictures of Queen Latifah. Must google. Am still upset by how Janeane Garofalo looks these days. NOT RIGHT.