I guess that doesn't sound so bad, but unfortunately the 7 days-a-week slog of 10 to 12 hour days on this project mean that my sleep isn't actually reinvigorating at the moment.
No, I hear you. I start feeling like that when I've done nothing but grade for days and days. Speaking of which...I should probably do some grading today. Feh.
I carry on like this, and I'll have to change my name to NoiseDesign!
There can be only one.
Is Drew working tomorrow? I need to call him about stuff.
It's tech weekend for a little show he's working on, so he's working 10-10 today and tomorrow. Depending how how the show is, though, he may end up with some free time somewhere in there. Call and leave him a voicemail and he'll call you back when he can.
There can be only one.
Probably just as well. I started to come up with a pithy quip to follow, but i was spoiled for choice and I'm just leaving it at that. Also, still knackered.
Oh Laga, I'm so sorry. Health~ma for your aunt.
my uncle wrote a very hopeful letter but I think I gleaned from the subtext that he's terrified. I hope I'm reading too much into it- my emotions are very close to the surface today on account of hormones.
Laga, health~ma to your aunt. Do they know it's a tumor? Could it just be a cyst?
My uncle says they discovered a tumor through ultrasound. I'm not sure if it might turn out to be a cyst. He says they are trying to determine if it is ovarian cancer.
I ask because I had a cyst and they weren't sure exactly what kind it was for months (this was the series of ultrasounds that I was just ranting about in Natter). They were pretty sure it wasn't cancerous, but, until I was operated on (by which time the cyst
was 10 cm in diameter)
they couldn't say it was benign. Anyway, the whole thing was pretty scary, but you should know there are a whole range of possibilities.
That is good to hear. Uncle might have typed "tumor" when he means "unidentified mass".
Understandable. I knew something was wrong (despite my ob/gyn thinking it was all in my mind) and I still went batshit crazy paranoid when it was confirmed, even though the prognosis was fairly optimistic.